Butch Jones fired

I scrolled down on that page and it says we're replacing our top tailback. Since when?
Butchie dumping his agent sent "shock waves" across college football? Really? You mean somebody other than Jones, his ex-agent's family and his new agent's family gave an absolute rat's ass?
So what it means is Butch will have a high-profile agent when he's coaching in the Sun Belt next year?
Tennessee’s defensive coaches speaking to contacts at both Clemson and Pittsburgh

I hope Clemson and Pittsburgh told them to practice without the ball.
Lol. Mothereffer is about to start his career as a substitute teacher. Holy shit. This is too murch for me. Haha. Lol.
öööö you. This is the most look at me bullshit I have seen.
@Diseqc , do everyone a favor and kill yourself
It also says GT is replacing its offensive coordinator.
As for on the field, the Yellow Jackets are replacing their center, quarterback, top tailback and offensive coordinator. So they’ve got some question marks just as much as Tennessee, perhaps a bit more so in some key positions.
I thought maybe you were joking. This is a unique, more frightening sort of clueless than anything I'm accustomed to. I feel pretty sure that reading it has done some real emotional damage.
Center is not a worry. Cooper is solid. He will be in the NFL. Losing our QB is a slight concern because we love JT5. However, we should now be able to run the midline more often, as VT found out last season, so we will be fine, maybe better as we can reinstall the Nesbitt "death march" offense. This brings me to my biggest concern, losing our offensive coordinator. Pat Nix was a wonderful part of designing this offense. I hope to God Tennessee doesn't reach out to him for pointers about stopping it, being he has insider knowledge. We can only hope.