By now, everyone has seen the Pope website,


Sep 4, 2005
and its really sad that Leonard Pope has to be connected with this academic fraud at uga. Obviously, this kind of thing is happening all over the place.

Leonard Pope is about as close as it comes to a can't miss in the NFL. As such, he will be very successful financial wise in the very near future. Leonard Pope will not have to worry much about his grammar skills when he graduates to his full time job.

My question: just because Pope is not "college material", is it fair to exclude him from the physical training and development he needs and deserves before he goes to work? I don't think so.

The point is, that he has no place to go other than a place like uga that will outwardly cheat to get Leonard and the like on their team.
The ncaa is a joke. They know exactly what is going on but they will do nothing about it.

Its not a tragedy that Leonard Pope can't do college work. What is a tragedy is that the NFL and the ncaa have conspired to keep this farce going. Regardless of what anyone says, allowing kids to "graduate" that can't do the work diminishes the degrees of regular students that have busted their ass to get a diploma.

I have the solution, but the ncaa would never go along with it.
The solution is for professional football to mirror pro baseball and create a minor league system. The ncaa will never go along with this out of fear that they would lose revenue. They would feel that college football would be watered down and as a result, no one (sponsors and fans) would pay for it.
Maybe they would be right to a degree, but this is ridiculous.

Personally, I am very happy to see the growth of college baseball. Not long ago, kids with MLB aspirations would not play college ball. They would sign with any team regardless of the round they were drafted in.
With better exposure for college ball, more great baseball players are going to college, but only the ones that can pass the school work. For talented kids that aren't college material, they still have the opportunity of being drafted.
For once, baseball seems to have something right.

By the way, how often have schools been in trouble for their baseball programs? Seldom.
Its not that baseball players are smarter than football players, its just that great football players don't have any other option but college. What a Joke. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rant.gif
The NCAA will never be able to monitor the work of student athletes. Unfortunately, it really is up to the universities to do so. But when you have school administrations and athletic departments, like at UGAg, that so flagrantly violate the rules, it is almost impossible.

I will say that outside the SEC I believe that the other conferences (for the most part) do at least a fair job of qualifying their athletes and giving them an education while in school. The SEC is the exception. They are so corrupt, at most of the member institutions, that I predict the conference will break apart one day (like the old Southwest Conference). That is probably the only way to clean places like UGA up.

The ACC needs to be very careful that VT, F$U, NC St., Miamaaa don't damage the academic deserved reputation built up over 50 years...
The NCAA will never be able to monitor the work of student athletes. Unfortunately, it really is up to the universities to do so. But when you have school administrations and athletic departments, like at UGAg, that so flagrantly violate the rules, it is almost impossible.

I will say that outside the SEC I believe that the other conferences (for the most part) do at least a fair job of qualifying their athletes and giving them an education while in school. The SEC is the exception. They are so corrupt, at most of the member institutions, that I predict the conference will break apart one day (like the old Southwest Conference). That is probably the only way to clean places like UGA up.

The ACC needs to be very careful that VT, F$U, NC St., Miamaaa don't damage the academic deserved reputation built up over 50 years...

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats a pretty bold statement considering the issues that we're going through right now. You say "flagrantly vilolate rules", I'm not a fan of UGAg, but I'm sure there are many more schools through out Div 1 ball that has had corruption~~including the ACC.
Yes, I guess it is a bold point of view. However it's just one man's opinion.

To try to say that our 11 athletes (out of hundreds)over 6 years being unintenionally short a handfull of classes towards their major is comparible to functional illiteracy is way off base. Sorry. I couldn't agree with you less...
Don't mean to hijack, but is this really the root of the problem when it comes to NCAA mandated academic progress?

I mean, academic progress in WHAT? What is the point if S/As are taking crap courses like he is?

Not so bold really, if you have a good handle on the nature of our "infractions" vs the real and tangible corruption being referenced. THWG