C. Rudolph painting a pretty dreary...


Damn Good Rat
Nov 1, 2001
picture of coaching staff on 680. 1st I heard him referring to sacks of qb. If I am not mistaken, he was astounded that our leading sacker only has 2. I did not hear who he was referring to. Then, he said he was on the sidelines the last few min. of WF game and there was absolutely no passion, no emotion, just nothing there at all.

He referred to 2 people, Ansley Williams and somebody Reynolds that used to travel with team that were cut off from that with new staff.

Don't know what it all means, but it doesn't sound too good to me. Oh, and he said kids that age need discipline and not just a "Son, you did not do that right." He said tough drills and discipline is what they need. FWIW.
I take that with a grain of salt. That's what he thinks is right because that's the way he was taught. It's like raising kids...most people think the "right" way is the way it was done to them. Players who have played under relaxed coaches for years would HATE playing for a disciplined coach all of a sudden. Vice-versa.

As for not playing with emotion...have mixed feelings about that. It allows you to overcome adversity, but you dont' get up for big games, either. See the Braves and Bobby Cox as the perfect example.

Besides, not to be rude, but I really don't care what CR thinks. He says whatever it takes to make the UGA fans happy nowadays.