Can someone please explain


Damn Good Rat
Mar 31, 2003
what all of this tickle pile BS is about I keep reading in the Vent. I have no clue what they are talking about nor any idea if it is true.
IIRC, it was an invention of Saxondawg in one of the long humorous posts he used to do on a regualr basis....many of which were prognostications/prophecies from "Ooga the Hermit".

I might be mistaken.

Saxon is a very talented writer, fwiw. He's done Christian and children's books and did the Grinch take-off "The Binch" about OBL after 9/11. That got him instant notoriety world-wide and numerous radio (some TV?) interviews. As far as mutts go, he's a pretty good guy.
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IIRC, it was an invention of Saxondawg in one of the long humorous posts he used to do on a regualr basis....many of which were prognostications/prophecies from "Ooga the Hermit".

Those posts from SaxonDawg were probably the funniest stuff ever posted (along with the respect post from you know who and the Ryan's Steakhouse thing) and were usually linked to to the only Tech board around at that time. At the risk of sounding nostalgic, it seems that the boards back "in the day" were funnier. Now there are very few posts that are deliberately (sp?) humorous or satirical. Maybe that's not the case, it could be I'm just older and grumpier.
Google "Tickle Pile"

Obvious invention.

Techbert is not intimidated by Saxon. Techbert will go against Saxon any time, mano y doggo.