Can the Hurricanes put it back together?

GT Ace

Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 3, 2001
I laughed out loud while starting this post about a 9-3 team that played a very, very good LSU team in the Peach Bowl being 'pushed' to get back on the winning tract. Isn't that absurd that the Miami fans feel they had a 'down' yr. It's crazy that the fans & administration want improvement NOW! Bazaar that the Co-ordinator & other long time, hugely sucessful coaches were fired!
It's mind-boggling that a HC who is 53-9, that's right fifty three & nine, won a Nat'l Championship & his worst Bowl is the Peach is on the 'Hot Seat'! Miami's 5 yr recruiting record is right up there with FSU & Florida. He attracted very high calibre coaches to fill the vacancies. Unbelievable. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wtf.gif
Even more unbelievable is that some people actually try to convince u that HC Gailey is some kind of 'excellent' Head Coach with a 28-24 record, is out of the ACC race after 2-3 Conference gms & whose best Bowl is the Tangerine. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/werd.gif

Hurricanes start the 'rebuilding'

Even more unbelievable is that some people actually try to convince u that HC Gailey is some kind of 'excellent' Head Coach with a 28-24 record, is out of the ACC race after 2-3 Conference gms & whose best Bowl is the Tangerine. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/werd.gif

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I also like the afterhours special, "Chan's Soapbox." It's only aired twice - Sept. 6, 2003, and Nov. 19, 2005. But it basically consists of Chan calling out all of his disbelievers.

Apples and oranges.

Larry Coker as absolutely zero excuse to ever lose
1) They are in the state of Florida (best HS talent in the country) 100+ D1A scholarships per year.
2) They have national presence and high involvement from NFL players in recruiting
3) He can recruit any kid in the world he wants as long as they meet the lowly NCAA requirements. They do not have to mark ANYONE off their list. This means any kid that wants to go to Miami and has the talent automatically gets in.
4) Once they get in, they stay in. Tons of majors to hide them in.
5) Kids can even have a juvenile criminal record a mile long and get in to Miami. This is evidenced by Willie Williams who had multiple arrests in high school including just before he reported at Miami.

Now...I am not saying that Gailey would automatically be 53-9 at Miami. However, I do believe Coker would do a horrible job at GT. Crap....we beat them on their home turf last year!!!

You just cannot compare the two. There is not an even playing field for the comparison to be valid.
I am starting to tire of the Tech fans that justify mediocrity by saying that every school that outperforms us makes it easier on their SA's than Tech does.

I don't buy it, and never have. Tech is a great school, so what! only 11 KIDS line up at one time, and no team has first team depth throughout their depth chart.

We need to raise expectations, and then coach better, recruit better, and play better. Period. If this can't be done, just be happy to picnic (tailgate).

Believing that every great football player cannot get by at Tech is insulting to football players as a whole, and is just stoopid thinking.
Believing that every great football player can get into Tech is just plain stupid is you ask me. I personally know many high school players who went on to Auburn, Ugag, Clemson, and Bama who very much wanted to attend Tech but came from poor schools and didn't have the grades.

Fact is there are many smart kids that don't quite meet our requirements. In high school I had a blast with my buddies, partying and chasing women. School was an after-thought as is for many high school kids.

I know myself and many other kids in high school would rather have a good time than slave away at school work so they can attend a small technology school where they brag about how many kids fail out.
Believing that every great football player can get into Tech is just plain stupid is you ask me. I personally know many high school players who went on to Auburn, Ugag, Clemson, and Bama who very much wanted to attend Tech but came from poor schools and didn't have the grades.

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I will stop you right there. Where did I say that we are in the same boat as those schools you just named? I did not mean that we need to drop our requirements to the Ala. and uga levels, whatever they are.
Everyone that is a Tech grad believes we are a world class school, but somehow we need to only compete for the kids that can get into a sectional football school like uga.
That is BS.
We need 70 kids on our football team, and I don't care where they come from. If the Ga., Tn, Al, Fl. etc. high schools can't provide the material we need, we need to scour the country for them.
Hell, we have bright kids from every corner of the globe coming to Ga. Tech for a quality education. Why can't we recruit 48 states to attract 20 great football players/ students per year. 20, that's all!

But, as long as we have good old boy coaches and recruiters that don't understand the need to recruit nationally, or how to do it we will always have tons of Wal-Mart approved customers when what we need are people that are approved at Saks. Sorry for the stupid analogy.

By the way, I have recently seen many posts that have insulted Bobby Dodd. No one is perfect including him, but he wanted to make us a national power, not just a school to beat uga, tn, and al.
Hell, I think I could be 53-9 at Miami given the quality of the recruits they get.

Tech shouldn't settle for mediocrity, but anyone who thinks we can get the same level of quality throughout our lineup as a Miami or ugag is simply not connected to reality. The fact is many of those kids either can't do the work or simply don't want to. It's just a fact. But that doesn't mean there aren't enough good players out there who would be interested in Tech to get the job done. It's harder at Tech, but it's not impossible.
The fact is many of those kids either can't do the work or simply don't want to

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Although in a different sport, Randolph Morris made it clear that he didn't go to Tech because he "didn't want to work that hard" before hitting the NBA.

I'd bet there are many more football players that feel that way when Tech comes to their door recruiting.

ANd I am just about tired of the "mediocrity" crap posts.
Why wouldn't CCG be at least 53 & 9 at UM?

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I did not say he would not.
I don't buy it, and never have. Tech is a great school, so what! only 11 KIDS line up at one time, and no team has first team depth throughout their depth chart.

Believing that every great football player cannot get by at Tech is insulting to football players as a whole, and is just stoopid thinking.

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First of all, any college coach will tell you that to be competitive you need about 40 good to great players. Without a doubt, depth is where we always get into trouble at GT and have for decades now. I should not even need to explain why.

Additionally, no one has ever said that "every great football player cannot get into Tech". I am not sure where you are getting that.
However, if you are selling widgets for ABC company and XYZ company is your biggest competitor. sales manager tells you that you cannot call on 50% of the available market, yet you still have to beat XYZ company...that would suck! Do you give no one is. It is just harder. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Heck...we could not even get a kid with a 3.2 GPA and 950 SAT into Tech last year that wanted to come badly because of The Hill. He is now a Virginia Cavalier.
ANd I am just about tired of the "mediocrity" crap posts.

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If this is directed to my ideals, I don't care.
Just because Randolph Morris said he did not want to work hard enough to be at what? At least he was honest and I have respect for that.

Ga. Tech needs to get comfortable that WE are selling a high value product to its prospects.
I am not saying this is an easy or quick sales cycle, but it is the product we have and we have to have the people that can sell it on a national level.
Instead of fighting the elitist label we have, we need to embrace it and market it properly. This, in my opinion is the only way we will win long term.
I don't think anybody is arguing with you about marketing our strengths. And I think we all try to do that.

But it is a little naive to think that we don't compete in recruiting with one hand tied behind our back. Mathematics is simple: Those who can recruit from the whole pool is greater than those who can recruit from a small subset of the whole pool.

Anyway, to the original question, of course Miami is going to put it all together again. It might not happen this year though, and Coker could be gone soon. I wonder if Richt would go to his old school.

The Miami and FSU stories of later are interesting cases however. Both of them became a bit inept on offense and started losing games accordingly. It just goes to show how tough it is to recruit the best quarterback AND how important coaching is (and/or getting the right coaching blend).
Very fair rebuttal.

This dead horse I am beating is starting to stink to high heaven but since StingTalk is in hibernation, I guess it won't take up too much board space to give Mr. Ed one more kick to the groin:

The keys to my point are in no order that A) We are Ga. Tech and we do have a tremendous football heritage. B) We only need 22 or so per year, and C) other than the blue chip recruits I think the recruiting gurus main purpose is to collect as much money as they can from passionate college football fans. I don't buy into their shtick below 4 and 5 star guys.

It may sound like it, but I am not saying the job of creating this national demand for Tech to be an easy task.
However, I do know that unless we can improve on our coast to coast recruiting we will continue to bitterly discuss the kids we can't even touch.

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I'm with you on the hibernation thing, so here's another response.

Are more football players not as mathematically as smart as other athletes? It seems like football is the toughest sport for us to compete in.

But part of this issue is that you need 50 solid players in the two deep to compete at the highest level. You MAY be able to avoid injuries and compete one year, but not year to year with only 22 players.

At Tech, I think you need more than 50. Miami can bring in the top OL any year it wants and those top OL are ready to go as frehsman. We can't and so we have to grow them up. That means they aren't ready as quickly and accordingly more folks are needed to compete.

We need 44, plus 2 kickers, plus another 10 or so for specials teams, plus another 10 DL/OL or so that are in the growing stage. Add in future QB's, a couple of extra RB's and TE's and we're quickly at 63 players. That's likely 10 more than at U of Miami. And I'm sorry, but 4 and 5 star players almost always are in the two deep, even if they don't "pan out" as a star. So we get hurt there too. Our 2 star recruits are iffy for making the two deep and certainly some really never pan out.

I think Chan is pretty good on what he sees though. In fact, I think it's a strength. But when we lose a few players to injury or grades, it really hurts our program because of so many more than Miami that we have to grow up.

I agree that we need to be a national program that recruits coast to coast. BUT it's just not that easy. You have to fly coast to coast, you have to have feelers coast to coast...It's not easy to do.

In the last ten years, I've noticed that we went from recruiting the northeast, to SC and Louisianna, to Illinois and California, to Texas, to Alabama and now back to Georgia again? I think where we recruit has a whole lot to do with who's doing the recruiting. We have to pick up Georgia and Florida but after that I don't think it matters until we're in the Top Ten all the time.

I would like to see us recruit Maryland, Penn, NJ, NY and true NE more. Those areas tend to be the highest in education so you've got a better chance to do well. But our skill players have to come from GA and FL and the SE. The game is quicker, partly because of weather, and we need the speed.

One measure is the Super Southern 100. I have followed that for many years and generally if we get 4 or 5 players out of it, we're doing well recruiting. When we didn't we tend to struggle.

I've thought about dropping what I do and start over somewhere else. One area I enjoy is athletics and I was tempted to do a study on smarts and football. I'd love to know how smarts helps a player because the "rankings" don't measure them at all and I do think there is a value.

We are Georgia Tech after all.
pw, are you saying we need 22 new players a year (recruiting) or we need 22 good players on the field each year to compete? I agree with the first statement. But if you meant the later you're completely wrong. 22 good players gets you Wake Forest, and none of us want to go there. And before the Wake lurkers attack, what I mean by that is a team that can be good early in the year but wears out by mid season.
Give me a break guys! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wtf.gif I am talking about yearly recruiting classes. If I would have written 19 and not 22, would there be this confusion? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I guess this is a good indicator of my perceived football knowledge. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif Hell, everyone knows 13 play on each side of the ball. sheesh! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif
Heritage! History!

Has anyone looked at our record before and after desegregation? This is the Big D that no one seems to acknowledge changed the landscape forever. We do not appeal to the majority of playmakers and "Big Uglies". Why? They can not do the work. Period.

Racist? Nope! We can either change or accept our lot as average.

Purdue doesn't have this problem. Why? Better high school education in the Midwest and majors in Liberal Arts.

and as the Stews would say "and I'm gone!"
MacDaddy, unfortunately it's hard to argue with you.

Regardless how lucid I am though, I will always think that if norter dame can have tradition on their side so can we.
I also reserve the right to think the Purdue Boilermakers can't even sniff our slide rules. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif