Caption Contest!


Jul 25, 2002
Lick it, then stick it:biggthumpup::biggthumpup::biggthumpup:

Please tell me this is the mutt who got a ticket on his moped. Either that or his brother's name is Earl.
"The doctor said eating watermelon might make my hair fall out in clumps --ahuh ahuh --but I don't care --cause I'm a Gawga Buwl-dawg!"
"Coach says if I can eat the whole thing, then I'll get an A in his Botany class."
"My hair was getting in the way of theother guys belt buckles, so I figured this was the best solution"
"Never fall asleep at practice. The other linemen will shave your head and pose you with a melon."
"Yep, should be a tough semester. I've got Prof. Harrick, Jr. for Barbery Studies, Basketball AND Fruit Consumption Techniques."
Where in the hell did you find this picture mm42? I commend you for your find!

The good ol' AJC!

However, one of their bosses over at the Butt Smear must not have liked the photos, because they were only up for a short while and then they pulled them. They do not appear in the photo archive with the others either.
  • "Thoughts of another sub-par season leave many players melon-choly"
  • "Snorting fruit: innocent diversion or societal crisis?"
  • "Coaches employ orbital sanders to address discipline problems"
  • "Melons for felons"