Carol Moore


Flats Noob
Oct 30, 2002
I quite vividly remember several years ago that Moore was at odds with GOL about a particular athletes elegibility(big dl}. Well as I recall she won out! I then told another Tech guy that she one day was going to hurt the program a lot more than that one incident. Now what Gen. Wood has had to say on previous post and Moore's no comment in ajc now leads me to believe she is VERY MUCH behind all this. And maybe the stricter standards we will have to abide by. This leads me to believe we a Very weak president. And this raising the bar is not the sa's fault, because they were signed by the program knowing their academic abilities. In other words they may have been doing all that they could with their ability. If this all so and true then the bar has been raised so much that our future signees will be more of the Duke and ivy leauger types which will in turn take us completely out of competition, and will spell financial ruin (expansion} for the athletic dept. This is indeed the darkest days in Tech's illustrious history of which there will be NO MORE GLORY DAYS AHEAD!! That is if this is all true which I suppose it is!!!!
A Tech version of Jan Kemp. You are right - the prez needs to run her butt off if she is indeed on some sort of rant.