CGC and TStan's legacy


Sep 20, 2008


Fire them both
I’m not at the point where I blame Stansbury yet. He swung for the fence on Collins and struck out, but I admire his ability to get extra money for the program. Three years is about what a coach should get.

But if he doesn’t dump Collins soon, he’ll be tied to that anchor.
First of all, props to all of you who were there in that sea of red to witness that pathetic performance. But, in watching rivalry games today - we are the only school whose rival fans completely take over our stadium. Auburn was a big underdog, but you did not see significant red outside the Bama section. USC-E has lost 7 in a row to Clemson, but their stadium is not orange. This gets worse every two years.

We need to figure out why this is and fix it. Contributing factors - no home wins since ‘99. We are very bad now. But, even after wins in Athens by CPJ the stadium was majority red the next year. I believe the biggest issue is the North upper deck. We did not need more seats for our fans. We built these for UGA fans as well as Clemson and orinally, FSU. The added Dawg fans in upper North tipped the scales to make the stadium majority red. With more Mutts on campus on game day they made life miserable for Tech fans, especially when we lose. Only Tennessee in Nashville has a majority of their fans in a rival’s stadium, but the percentage even there does not approach our situation.

We have to figure out a way to turn this back around. Your program is not going to be relevant or attractive when your rivals take over your stadium. Short of removing upper North or winning more, do you have any ideas?
First of all, props to all of you who were there in that sea of red to witness that pathetic performance. But, in watching rivalry games today - we are the only school whose rival fans completely take over our stadium. Auburn was a big underdog, but you did not see significant red outside the Bama section. USC-E has lost 7 in a row to Clemson, but their stadium is not orange. This gets worse every two years.

We need to figure out why this is and fix it. Contributing factors - no home wins since ‘99. We are very bad now. But, even after wins in Athens by CPJ the stadium was majority red the next year. I believe the biggest issue is the North upper deck. We did not need more seats for our fans. We built these for UGA fans as well as Clemson and orinally, FSU. The added Dawg fans in upper North tipped the scales to make the stadium majority red. With more Mutts on campus on game day they made life miserable for Tech fans, especially when we lose. Only Tennessee in Nashville has a majority of their fans in a rival’s stadium, but the percentage even there does not approach our situation.

We have to figure out a way to turn this back around. Your program is not going to be relevant or attractive when your rivals take over your stadium. Short of removing upper North or winning more, do you have any ideas?
Just win and win consistently. Thats the only way to change it
First of all, props to all of you who were there in that sea of red to witness that pathetic performance. But, in watching rivalry games today - we are the only school whose rival fans completely take over our stadium. Auburn was a big underdog, but you did not see significant red outside the Bama section. USC-E has lost 7 in a row to Clemson, but their stadium is not orange. This gets worse every two years.

We need to figure out why this is and fix it. Contributing factors - no home wins since ‘99. We are very bad now. But, even after wins in Athens by CPJ the stadium was majority red the next year. I believe the biggest issue is the North upper deck. We did not need more seats for our fans. We built these for UGA fans as well as Clemson and orinally, FSU. The added Dawg fans in upper North tipped the scales to make the stadium majority red. With more Mutts on campus on game day they made life miserable for Tech fans, especially when we lose. Only Tennessee in Nashville has a majority of their fans in a rival’s stadium, but the percentage even there does not approach our situation.

We have to figure out a way to turn this back around. Your program is not going to be relevant or attractive when your rivals take over your stadium. Short of removing upper North or winning more, do you have any ideas?

We have 9 wins in 3 seasons and a head coach who continually gives our fans the finger.
The legacy will last a while. I was a GT fan before attending - my alum Dad would take me to games when I was a kid. But if you had no previous interest in football and came to Tech for education, would the on-field product these days make you a fan?
The legacy will last a while. I was a GT fan before attending - my alum Dad would take me to games when I was a kid. But if you had no previous interest in football and came to Tech for education, would the on-field product these days make you a fan?

Captain Obvious says “no”. He promised to grow the program. It is dissolving.
We have a fan base that is way too arrogant and condescending to sidewalk fans. The fact we even call them sidewalk fans is telling enough. Meanwhile we have an alumni base that is too nerdy to care much about spectator sports. It is a deadly combination where a larger percentage of our alumni don't want to go to games and the portion of alumni that do ostracize fans who did not attend the school.
What has happened to the GT fan base is a tragedy! Up until Father Time took his toll on this OF, I was usually there for every home game and traveled to many away games to cheer for the Old Gold & White. And believe me I never, ever thought that our football program would regress to the awful days of Bill Lewis, but it has with the hiring of Geoff Collins. Back in the 50's and 60's when GT was winning on a regular basis, and the product on the field was fun to watch, a ticket to see Georgia Tech play at Grant Field was hard to come by. I can remember back in the day when the men and women would dress up in their Sunday Best to attend Georgia Tech games, even our Head Coach Bobby Dodd wore a fedora and a suit to our games, as going to Georgia Tech games was a social event. Cliches and promotions don't win football games, , somehow, someway, GT has to find that "diamond in the rough," to fire up the old and young fan base to get excited again about Georgia Tech football. The Head Coach needs to be personable to appease the fan base and answer the questions he is asked at his pressers and at the same time be a good game day coach that shows he is a disciplinarian to his players. The current head coach we have now, is not the answer, but because of a ridiculous contract signed by our AD, we are stuck with this clown. But as I have always said for over 63 years, and will probably say until the day I die; THWG!!!
This group of individuals hated what CPJ was doing here. Many took it personally as they were here when GT was competing at a high level and without some stupid gimmicky offense. Almost all of them actively and negatively recruited against GT and Johnson while working for other schools Brent Key most notably while at UCF. Their legacy will be their attempt to inexplicably undo everything that Johnson did here in a misguided attempt to save the program. All they will succeed in doing is driving the program to its death. We will look a lot like Maryland very soon and it’s unlikely we’ll come back from it attempting to do things their way.
We have a fan base that is way too arrogant and condescending to sidewalk fans. The fact we even call them sidewalk fans is telling enough. Meanwhile we have an alumni base that is too nerdy to care much about spectator sports. It is a deadly combination where a larger percentage of our alumni don't want to go to games and the portion of alumni that do ostracize fans who did not attend the school.
Great post! I am not a graduate of GT, but I have been a fan of GT since 1958, when I was taken to my first college football game at Grant Field by my uncle who adored Bobby Dodd. I was sold on GT then and I have not wavered in my allegiance to GT. Through my business I purchased season tickets for many years in the Lower West and contributed to the AT Fund. My older brother and I attended many games at home and on the road, my brother was a walking encyclopedia when it came to GT sports. If you wanted to know anything about GT sports, football, basketball and baseball, you could ask him a question and he could answer you, even the scores of the UGA/GT games from 1958 to 2009, where the games were played and who the notable players were for both teams. I had dialogue just last week with a GT graduate who was arrogant towards me because I was not an alumni of GT. As a sidewalk fan who has loved GT since 1958, when I was 8 years old, I can guarantee that I have given as much time and sent as much money to GT as he has, just because I didn't go to school there doesn't make me a lesser fan, does it? Some of the GT alumni need to get off their high horse and welcome the sidewalk fans into the fold, because GT needs these sidewalk fans as much as they need their alumni. THWG!!!
First of all, props to all of you who were there in that sea of red to witness that pathetic performance. But, in watching rivalry games today - we are the only school whose rival fans completely take over our stadium. Auburn was a big underdog, but you did not see significant red outside the Bama section. USC-E has lost 7 in a row to Clemson, but their stadium is not orange. This gets worse every two years.

We need to figure out why this is and fix it. Contributing factors - no home wins since ‘99. We are very bad now. But, even after wins in Athens by CPJ the stadium was majority red the next year. I believe the biggest issue is the North upper deck. We did not need more seats for our fans. We built these for UGA fans as well as Clemson and orinally, FSU. The added Dawg fans in upper North tipped the scales to make the stadium majority red. With more Mutts on campus on game day they made life miserable for Tech fans, especially when we lose. Only Tennessee in Nashville has a majority of their fans in a rival’s stadium, but the percentage even there does not approach our situation.

We have to figure out a way to turn this back around. Your program is not going to be relevant or attractive when your rivals take over your stadium. Short of removing upper North or winning more, do you have any ideas?

UGA is a bigger school. Their alumni outnumber ours in Metro Atlanta.
At least you can't read the "Go D****" on that building on the skyline