Chair back seats are gold in BDS@HGF

Really like the looks of that GOLD!!! Wonder what's holding up the sod being rolled. They had publicly said Monday was the day.
I agree the seats look great.

I would have liked to get that grass down before this rain
Speaking of rain. We're getting some serious thunderstorms in Gainesville, GA now. Looks like in Atlanta area as well. Wonder what that will do to field with just sand and no grass.
Rain should flow right through sand to gravel.

Gold seats do look great (so much better than Miami green at RCS). Hope they remind some people that our colors are white and OLD GOLD not yellow.

Speaking of which, met a young lady at the neighbor's house at the lake this weekend. She said her dad was a huge Tech fan and wore yellow all the time. I demurely replied, "That's strange, because Tech's colors are White and Gold."

What's holding up the sod trucks?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but arent' you supposed to let sod sit for a while before it's watered? Might be the same case here...they knew it would rain, so they held off till it gets a little drier. Just thinking out loud here.
Have never heard you're supposed to let sod dry.

When I buy centipede sod for my yard, the supplier has been watering it every day, and I try to water it every day. With very short roots, it can die quickly in the hot sun if not kept wet.

I've found sod is not well rooted for about 6 weeks, but 4-5 weeks will probably work, with some damage to be repaired after the first game.

BTW, I'm no expert on sod and certainly not sod for sports fields. Only telling what little I do know.

Fortunately, GTAA seems to be exempted from metro Atlanta watering restrictions. Good thing! ;-)
I think when you lay down sod, you've got to start watering right away. That's what I've always been told.
I think I had a temporary case of lunacy. I heard that from someone, and it does apply, but only to cerain types of sod.

Here's the skinny on stadium turf(from someone who does this sort of thing for a living). This might not be exactly what is going on here, but it's probably close. First, they prep the ground. This includes your sand, gravel, and eventually dirt layers. Then they spend a bit of time prepping the dirt by spraying soil nutrients on it.They let that sit for a couple of days to absorb in, then they put down the sod. They will usually water the sod for about 2-3days straight. Then a regular watering schedule will be applied. The nutrients in the soil will help pull the roots down faster, and the watering will help as well. After 4-5 days, the soil should be set. After 2 weeks, its ready for use. 3 weeks and you can play ball without a worry in the world.

As for why they haven't set it up yet, could be that they're still driving trucks across it. Some of the pics being posted still show trucks on the sideslines. Maybe they're waiting for all traffic to get through before they set it down?
Really proud to see the GOLD chair back seats beeing installed. I was very worried that green ones might be put in like RCS and the pictures of the proposed BDS. I wear a yellow shirt every day, everywhere I go. They went overboard on the space allocated for handicaps in the new lower East stands IMHO and lost a bunch of seats because of it.
Hmmm very interesting!

Maybe I need to go down and do some investigating.
Enjoying this talk about the sod. Have a feeling this playing surface is going to be magnificent when finished.