Check out AFRJacket.....


As I have said when he trashes good people I respond!

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Good people??!!!?? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif
You don't think LBC, Treys (#74) dad , you don't think the other parents of players are OK? You don't think anyone there is nice? Come on now BOR you know better than that! Let me refresh your memory you were there also!
You don't think LBC, Treys (#74) dad , you don't think the other parents of players are OK? You don't think anyone there is nice? Come on now BOR you know better than that! Let me refresh your memory you were there also!

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I do think those two you mentioned are surely nice. However OF, I don't think SLJ has ever intentionally slammed either of them. I think you have either assumed he did, or have misunderstood SLJ. You keep coming on here and attacking SLJ's comments in some type of effort to "defend" BO.

What I don't understand is you admitted to not being privy to what went down on BO that got SLJ kicked off. The admin of BO won't discuss it other than lending generalities because he doesn't want to relinquish the fact that he has no crediblity anymore because of what he did. You've been given straight up facts as to what occured on that board repeatedly. We've explained to you countless of times why SLJ has a beef with that board. (We are all hopeful that his beef will die and he will do what the rest of us do, or want to do, and that is ignore it completely)

Yet, either 1.) You refuse to believe it or 2.) cannot comprehend it.

You are defneding the indefensible. If you think that board is about no holds barred discussions and "honest" dialogue, you're crazy. It is not about that. The day SLJ was kicked off of BO, it proved without a shadow of a doubt that that board exists solely to tear down at GT... nothing more. It has nothing to do with who is coaching.

So please stop coming on this board defending that board. Everytime you do, it makes you come across as the BO admin's puppet. Lets just drop the entire subject and not bring it up again. It's already old and stale.
that board exists solely to tear down at GT... nothing more.

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Exactly. Not 100% of the people there participate in that specifically, but a lot do.

Tell me, foggy, do you call out the fonts there that are actually rooting for GT to lose to Notre Dame? And then call themselves Tech fans?
Yes I did GTL! I told them in no uncertain terms that I would never root for another team against Tech!

I agree BOR I'd like to see the subject die, it's not I who brings it up but SLJ!

I am not defending the board/BB/admins nor what may have happened when I was in Europe! When SLJ/BOR/anyone bashes a board Carte Blanche then he/she in effect bashes the nice people there like LBC/74's dad etc. That's all I've ever done or will do. I am not defending BBad/Admins, or anyone who may or may not have participated in the ruckus that took place way back when. That's best forgotten, what gets me is you are defending SLJ when he did the same to this board and the people here when he was banned! Now do you understand? I know SLJ will not but that's OK!

So once and for all do you or anyone think that you can get SLJ to stop his bellyaching and forget BO? Besides this should have been in the other forum!
actually rooting for GT to lose to Notre Dame? And then call themselves Tech fans?

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yeah. i can't go there.
When SLJ/BOR/anyone bashes a board Carte Blanche then he/she in effect bashes the nice people there like LBC/74's dad etc.

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Oh stop with the complete bullshit already. I've read countless of posts by you on that board bashing the Hive and Stingtalk. Are you bashing all of us? I don't take it that way. But you sure do a good job of trying to lump us all in the same category unfairly.

This board was started to allow various posters different opinions that the hive would not allow. When it got to a point where the same people kept hijacking every thread and making unrelated threads into a Gailey bashing party, the admins made some tough decisions. Differing opinions are allowed. Constant annoyance is not. There is a difference.

Buzzoff was started as a slap in the face to the majority of Tech fans by a guy who could care two shits about the school (your alma mater) solely to promote opinions that were much like his own. Those opinions are school, program, players BE DAMNED until I get what I want. That is the bottom line. End of story.

It amazes me that you turn a blind eye to that fact. Is that good for GT? No its not.
Remember the old, leaky, pee wall dungeon under the East Stands? Bu**off will never come close to matching it as a Tech tradition.
Remember the old, leaky, pee wall dungeon under the East Stands? Bu**off will never come close to matching it as a Tech tradition.

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Hey, all I did was link up AFRJacket's post on the Hive about his visit to BaBaBaBBuzzOFF. It is not my fault that members of Stingtalk and Hive want to vent over the garbage coming from the Peepad, MsTechAnarchist, Bunghole Henrietta, Duh Foggy, etc. etc...

Now about LBCoach, He and I have had many informative exchanges by private email and in public forums about high school football. No problems here Foggy!

'Chip', a Yellow Jacket player's father: I have never had anykind of an exchange with him. No offense intended toward him, regardless of whether or not I agree with him posting on BBBuzzOFF. I do think the Peepad, MsTechAnarchist, Duh Foggy, and others use use him in an effort to bring some shred of legitimacy to their pathetic Nazi like existance.

3518techie probably is the sole core member that I have respect for. A damn good Tech man and Yellow Jacket football fan. I wish he was back over here where he really belongs and not in the cesspool of ignorance that is BBBuzzOFF.
If there are good people on BuzzOFF they are being overshowed by the collosal b---- known as MsTA.

Most of the good people were banned when BeeBad went on his ego trip.
Per a brief peek at todays content: Beebad spends so much time bashing Gailey he couldn't tell you where DJ Donley plays. MsTechAnarchy couldn't either....both missing the fact that Tech is recruiting Donley as a wide receiver, the position that he absolutely wants to play in college. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wtf.gif

So much for BBBBuzzOFF being a informative board.
Oldfoggy, so if people are bashing BO thus

they are bashing fans, coaches, parents of players, when what in the hell are you assclowns doing when you bash the coaching staff, the football program and the recruits? Your BS is rich. Give it up.