Clemson game last year


Big Dummy
Aug 26, 2008
I know nobody wants to relive that hot mess, but let's take just a minute to look back. Clemson's offense started out on fire, no doubt about that. However, after halftime adjustments, we held them to 95 yards of offense in the 2nd half, a lone field goal that came after an interception thrown at our own 27, and made them punt 4 times. Our offense was anemic to start that game, mainly due to their defensive front, but we were still down only 2 scores with 10 minutes to play when they kicked the FG. That FG was at a crucial time also, because we had just put together an 89 yd TD drive, then forced a punt after 4 plays on Clemson's following possession, only to try a trick play and throw a pick on the first play at our own 27. D held them to the FG there, but had Mills made a better throw to Searcy on the toss-pass, Searcy had a step on both the corner and safety, and that likely goes in for a TD. Let's also not forget the ridiculous INT-Safety that gave Clemson 2pts and the ball to score before half. If we have the ball there with 2 minutes to go, it's highly unlikely that they get it back and score again. Then it's only 14-0 at half instead of 23-0.

Seems we made some decent adjustments that game, it just took too long to make them. We should be better on D this year, and their offense isn't as good as last year. Their D will still be good but I think our offense is as good as last year's. As long as we make the adjustments we need early on both sides of the ball, this can be a very winnable game.
Seems we made some decent adjustments that game, it just took too long to make them.
I'm reminded of Wake just last week. Why is it that we have to wait to make adjustments at the half? I know CPJ makes them offensively after just one or two possessions. Why does it take CTR to an entire half to adjust the D?
I know nobody wants to relive that hot mess, but let's take just a minute to look back. Clemson's offense started out on fire, no doubt about that. However, after halftime adjustments, we held them to 95 yards of offense in the 2nd half, a lone field goal that came after an interception thrown at our own 27, and made them punt 4 times. Our offense was anemic to start that game, mainly due to their defensive front, but we were still down only 2 scores with 10 minutes to play when they kicked the FG. That FG was at a crucial time also, because we had just put together an 89 yd TD drive, then forced a punt after 4 plays on Clemson's following possession, only to try a trick play and throw a pick on the first play at our own 27. D held them to the FG there, but had Mills made a better throw to Searcy on the toss-pass, Searcy had a step on both the corner and safety, and that likely goes in for a TD. Let's also not forget the ridiculous INT-Safety that gave Clemson 2pts and the ball to score before half. If we have the ball there with 2 minutes to go, it's highly unlikely that they get it back and score again. Then it's only 14-0 at half instead of 23-0.

Seems we made some decent adjustments that game, it just took too long to make them. We should be better on D this year, and their offense isn't as good as last year. Their D will still be good but I think our offense is as good as last year's. As long as we make the adjustments we need early on both sides of the ball, this can be a very winnable game.
When you really think about it, we almost won that game.
Clemson stepped off the gas in a major way in the 2nd half last year. Mainly because he and CPJ are friends.
Having said that, our coach ia an asshole... so there's no way we won't run the score up on their asses this year.
However, after halftime adjustments, we held them to 95 yards of offense in the 2nd half, a lone field goal that came after an interception thrown at our own 27, and made them punt 4 times. Our offense was anemic to start that game, mainly due to their defensive front, but we were still down only 2 scores with 10 minutes to play when they kicked the FG.

Deja vu?
It happens to our offense frequently that when we get a big lead we don't play with quite the same fire on offense. We steamroll our way to a 2-3 TD lead... but then stop moving the ball very easily. Same thing happens to other teams, including Clemson.

I'd be a lot more impressed with our 2d half defensive stats if the game was competitive at that point.