Clemson prediction thread

GT: 51
Clemson: 17

Watson goes done with injury early in first quarter. Team and fans fold like origami.
Hopeful for a good evening of video processing after a long drive:
GT 28
Clemson 20

Happy we got a lot of young kids playing time for the future, but not looking forward to the time required to edit and post:
GT 17
Clemson 31

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GT - 1
Clemson - 0

Clemson looking ahead to BC so much they forget they are playing us at 3:30, show up to the field 4 hours late and have to forfeit.
Well I've been drinking the Kool-Aid (with some notable side effects) all season long, why stop now.

GT 27
Clempson 24

Cool 500th post!
Since deciding to attend my mood has changed...

GT 49
Clem's Son 31
We're gonna have to step up to keep from stepping in it but I'm predicting a win. That's as far out on the limb as I'm going right now.

Let's go Jackets! We can do this!!!
I've got a bad feeling Tech is going to cause Watson to be placed on the Heisman Watch List.