Coaches BCS Voting!?


Jul 11, 2002
Any of y'all notice the results of the coaches voting as shown in USA Today,Mon,5DEC05,?

If I counted right sixteen coaches didn't even vote for us! They were:
Barry Alvarez-Wisc, Larry Blakeney-Troy St,Lloyd Carr-Mich,Bill Doba-MI St,Mike Gundy-OK St, Pat Hill-Fresno St,Skip Holtz-ECU,Brian Kelly-Central MI,Bob Petrino-L'ville,Rich Rodriguez-WV,John L Smith-Mi St,Frank Solich-OH,Joe Tiller-Purdue,Jim Tressel-OH St,Randy Walker-NW,Tyrone Willingham-WA.

For more info go to

Not sure what,if anything, the above means, just kind of a curiousity.

7DEC41 and 11SEP01, NEVER AGAIN!!
I can forgive the regional bias, thats more or less expected. But theres no excuse for holtz, petrino, and blakeney.
Well, well, well! So, the Troy St. coach has given us bulletin board material.

Who is Larry Bleakney, and why does he get a vote?
According to the link, 'He's Larry Blakeney and he is a winner. Always has been da%#it!' /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bs.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds like you have a soft spot for Larry. Sorry to have offended.
I just got offended that a guy who is going to be getting a nice check from us next year would disrespect us in his voting.
He may be a winner at his level, but he needs to show some appreciation to a team that is doing his a favor.
According to the link, 'He's Larry Blakeney and he is a winner. Always has been da%#it!' /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bs.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds like you have a soft spot for Larry. Sorry to have offended.
I just got offended that a guy who is going to be getting a nice check from us next year would disrespect us in his voting.
He may be a winner at his level, but he needs to show some appreciation to a team that is doing his a favor.

[/ QUOTE ]

P_Watch: I was being totally sarcastic with that post ...tounge-in-cheek, so no apology is necessary my friend. I actually had never heard of the guy until this thread.

I agree with you, GT is doing him a favor and offering his school a decent payout to come to BDS@HGF and play the Jackets, and he could certainly show his appreciation by looking our way when filling out the last few spots in his poll, especially since GT SHOULD be in the Top 25 after defeating UM and taking UGA down to the wire.
Sorry GT65_ /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/FIREdevil.gif (sorry, I can't get on board with the rest of your handle) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

My apologies to you! I caught your sarcasm only after seeing another thought you had about the '06 schedule.
And as my dear Momma would say, "he looks like such a nice clean cut young man". That's right Momma, he looks like one of the cleanest cut pool hustlers we'll see in our lifetime. Now....that is tongue in cheek clean cut humor, if you are so apt to like that kind of humor.
No Offense fellows, just making light.
Rome, gotta hand it to you man, you're working on at least a 12 hr day judging from your posting times, yet you're always(almost) cheerful,articulate
sp?),observant,accurate,insightful, and there aren't many of us around!

Btw, is that dog in your avatar an 8/1 or a 6/1?

Kind words there goldeagle, mighty kind. Re: dog, neither, 10/1. We have to keep expenses down you know, besides, one needs room for all of those ONIONS, CHILI, SLAW, ETC.
Dang, I'm hungry now, let's all go eat.
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif
Sorry GT65_ /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/FIREdevil.gif (sorry, I can't get on board with the rest of your handle) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[ QUOTE ]

That's ok ...I totally understand /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
And while we are at it Goldeagle,
I learned some years back at a little hole in the wall diner cafe in Cartersville, GA., the correct way to serve a hot dog. You put those hotdogs on a plate, dress them however you want them, then take a dipper and dip a dipper full of CHILI, pour it all over the dogs. Dang, that's good. BTW, the place I'm referring to is the "4-Way Diner". Been there for years and still going. Best place I know of to get in a good old fashioned cuss fight while enjoying a good meal. At least in Cartersville anyway. I used to sell them some of their mdse years ago and learned back then, the only way to get along with those old codgers was to cuss them out when I walked in the door, and then start an argument. They loved it!! All those guys, I'm sure are dead by now, but it was always unique and one of my favorites to call on.