Coache's legacies


Junior Varsity Lurker
Aug 16, 2009
It's sad how Paterno's legacy will be completely destroyed by this scandal. I know when I was younger, I wanted to play football for Joe Pa. Now, I don't even know how I feel. He isn't the only one too. Remember Jim Tressel? It's mind-bottling how many "Idol" coaches have all these skeletons in their closets and once those skeletons come out, their whole reputation is completely destroyed. It makes you wonder who the other coaches that have similar scandals hiding.

EDIT: Don't know how I misspelled Coach's
I actually added an E on the end of coach
It's sad how Paterno's legacy will be completely destroyed by this scandal. I know when I was younger, I wanted to play football for Joe Pa. Now, I don't even know how I feel. He isn't the only one too. Remember Jim Tressel? It's mind-bottling how many "Idol" coaches have all these skeletons in their closets and once those skeletons come out, their whole reputation is completely destroyed. It makes you wonder who the other coaches that have similar scandals hiding.

EDIT: Don't know how I misspelled Coach's

What is mind bottling?

Also, you misspelled "coaches'" in your EDIT too. Ironic.
I dont think this defines his legacy.......who knows though.......

My uncle went to Penn State.......wait that was the State Penn........

I don't think its sad at all. If he knowingly allowed this crap to happen, or did anything at all except ensuring that it DID NOT happen, then he is scum and I don't give a crap about anything he did on the football field. Something like this trumps how good you were at coaching a game by a long shot.
I don't think its sad at all. If he knowingly allowed this crap to happen, or did anything at all except ensuring that it DID NOT happen, then he is scum and I don't give a crap about anything he did on the football field. Something like this trumps how good you were at coaching a game by a long shot.

It's very sad for the people who idolized him. If you idolized him and all of a sudden you find out he's scum (a bit of an exaggeration if you ask me), then that is a sad thing.
It's very sad for the people who idolized him. If you idolized him and all of a sudden you find out he's scum (a bit of an exaggeration if you ask me), then that is a sad thing.
fair enough.

and if he knew sandusky was molesting boys and did nothing about it, then I don't have any problem calling him scum.
the Coca-Cola marketing team would like to talk to you about this "mind bottling"
My mind is bottled by all of this.
This reminds me of a friend of mine at GT who was singing in the public showers, "Awhoooo Where is the Thunder!.... Awhoooo!"

I asked him what the öööö he was singing and he said Warren Zevon.

I said, "The song is called Werewolves of London, not Where is the Thunder."

He told me, "You're a dumbass, who writes a song called Werewolves of London."

True Story.
this thread is win, except for Artesian letting eneq in on the joke.