Coleman R.


Flats Noob
Jul 11, 2002
on 680 said Gailey coached like a man trying to keep his job because he took so many chances in the Auburn game it looked like he was desperate. He said this is what he hah heard some say also said his 15 player quote was put on the buliten to fire tech up and seemed to do just that. One other thing He did give an offhanded appoligy.
Screw him. He would rather ostracize himself from Tech to be able to kiss up to his high school hero Buck, and his idiot sidekick Kincaid.

If not already, he will be hurt by this.
Man alive, Chan can not win with these people (Like CR)can he? The Coach is criticized because of his lack of play calling in the first game, now when the team wins a huge game its desperation. There are two types of critcisms in my book--constructive and destructive. The constructive ones I appreciate because it means you care. The other ones, well I think you already now that answer.
Coleman just proves that he has very little charachter. His oversized ego prevents him from admitting when he was clearly wrong. His, trying to take even a shred of credit for this victory is laughable.
Man! This boy just does not like the taste of crow. C'mon Coleman do I have to make little airplane noises and fly it in your mouth for you? How hard is to say the guy did a great job on Saturday? Sheesh.

Coleman Rudolph was a great Jacket and I'm glad he attended Tech, but he is in big time need of a serious reality check.
When we get back, Coleman will no doubt take credit for it because of his "tough love".
Boy, a rare thread!!!! I agree wholeheartedly and double to all that was folks are my kind of people!!!!!
I know, "Big Deal", huh? Anyway, I agree 100%.
I figured that ole Coleman woud have too much of a big head to admit his whole approach to Chan has been wrong. He was a fine kid when he arrived at Tech, but he has become a real embarassment. I think he's gotten into too much dog stuff hanging around Butt Belue and that idiot sidekick of his. Coleman's character is really questionable. He should be ashamed of his actions and get his act together. He owes the whole Tech community an apology.
I find it amusing that y'all are missing the point on Coleman. He is just doing what Pat Dye did last year when he said that UGAG was not man enough to beat Alabama.

Coleman apparently figured out that this passive Gailey approach that we used against Ugag and Fresno last year....and BYU this year...wasn't going to work. So he figured if he gave them some bulletin board material (it has been confirmed that his comments are on the bulletin board) and made them mad enough....then they would play (and coach) in a way that is designed to win the game.

Guess is working. Surprised you guys get so riled up that you can't see the forest for the trees.

Thanks Coleman.
Dont beelieve that for a second Beeware.. the truth is, Coleman is not very welcome around the GTAA anymore.. and he is in such good favor with some of the more prominent alumni, that he has lost them as investment clients.. I have never, and never will use him.. but had 3 people told me at practice that they had transferred their accounts from him to others...

He has burned ALOT of bridges... In the end.. Coleman is going to wish he had chosen his words a little more carefully...
Listen, everyone needs to realize Coleman has an agenda, what that is appears to be trying to become a radio personality in the Atlanta market. Believe me as someone who used to hate to deal with the media you see people like coleman everywhere. right, wrong or indifferent coleman made his remarks and with our help we will reming him of them. Beeware his comments weren't made or said for the bulletin board. He is trying to establish himself as another Beau or bell and seems to be on his way, just my opinion.
I don't know why this surprises anyone. He has made it very clear on multiple occasions that he does not, and more importantly WILL NOT support Gailey or Braine.

Having heard him say this, I would've been surprised if he WAS complimentary yesterday.

The worst thing about this is that people ARE listening just to see what he'll say. I listen to that show anyway, much to the dismay of many who think 680 is the devil, but I have really been surprised that he's come out and said this on the air.

Regardless, we won on Saturday so let's give it a rest. Trashing Coleman does nothing but stoop to his level. Can't we talk about the F$U game???
I think he is really screwing himself. Being a lawyer I am around 'leghumpers' all day and they seem to think he is a no class shill (sp).

When you hear Belue talk about Ugag's struggles it is done with a certain amount of respect.

Rudolph seems to get pleasure from GT's struggles. MANY from other schools will see this as a lack of character.

I NEVER fault a guy for supporting his team. It is guy railing on his team that I question.

I predict in a couple of years Rudolph will not be on the air any more
Wait a minute.

Maybe Beeware IS Coleman Rudolph...

That would make sense.

Originally posted by beeware:
I find it amusing that y'all are missing the point on Coleman. He is just doing what Pat Dye did last year when he said that UGAG was not man enough to beat Alabama.

Coleman apparently figured out that this passive Gailey approach that we used against Ugag and Fresno last year....and BYU this year...wasn't going to work. So he figured if he gave them some bulletin board material (it has been confirmed that his comments are on the bulletin board) and made them mad enough....then they would play (and coach) in a way that is designed to win the game.

Guess is working. Surprised you guys get so riled up that you can't see the forest for the trees.

Thanks Coleman.
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I think it's time for Coleman Rudolph to be a "Tech Man", and shut the hell up! Why in the world does he even have a forum? I think he has an agenda, but I wish he would try to support the program. He was a great player at TECH, but he is a lousy fan!! Coleman, grow up............
Thanks BIIIIIG John...

I was going to call Beeware on that statement Too..No way the thing with Coleman is to be compared to Pat Dye...It was not meant to be bulletin board material and motivating...Coleman is on an agenda alright...Its called trying to make money....he wants to make it big with the 680 Bulldog station..Your absolutley right!!! What a Traitor...