"College sports ‘arms race' not sustainable"

Student athletics is not a charity. Fans of football should not have to subsidize dozens of other sports just to watch their game, and students shouldn't be left with the tab either. If the small sports want to exist, then they'll have to provide value. Either entertainment value to viewers willing to pay, or attraction value to new students. This money doesn't just fall from the sky, you know.
You can probably go down the list of college rankings and barely hit a good football team until mid way down.

That's because the way most ranking organizations calculate "top schools" biases heavily towards smaller, private schools (that can't sustain a top program mostly because of the size of the alumni base). On the other hand, if you look at the top public schools, you'll see that most of the top 15 have football programs and many are good. 2 of the top 3 teams in the country are among the top 15 public schools in the country (Florida, Texas) and 3 of the top 10 were top academic public schools (add Penn State).
People should be able to be paid whatever someone wants to pay them for their work. Minimum wage is one thing... maximum wage is another.