Concussion Protocol?


Big Dummy
Aug 26, 2008
Is there any NCAA-wide concussion protocol? My son informed me that in high school sports, once a student-athlete has been diagnosed with a concussion, they must sit out all practice/game activity for 14 days. They can be there to watch, but not participate, even in non-contact drills. If something like this were the case, Clemson's QB would be out of practice until this Friday. I know that's not so, but just wondered if there is any set policy or protocol at all that all schools must abide by? From what I can gather, the NCAA's only concussion policy is, "all schools must have a concussion policy."
Is there any NCAA-wide concussion protocol? My son informed me that in high school sports, once a student-athlete has been diagnosed with a concussion, they must sit out all practice/game activity for 14 days. They can be there to watch, but not participate, even in non-contact drills. If something like this were the case, Clemson's QB would be out of practice until this Friday. I know that's not so, but just wondered if there is any set policy or protocol at all that all schools must abide by? From what I can gather, the NCAA's only concussion policy is, "all schools must have a concussion policy."

I don't know about your high school, but where my kids went, they all underwent a baseline concussion protocol, so after an injury, they could be retested. And when evidence of injury was present, they would not be allowed back into participation until their performance returned to the baseline.

I'm sure I am not using the terminology properly, but it is something like that. And that dates back at least 5 years if not longer.

So, in that case, a shorter period of time being out could be possible if they were back to their baseline.
I don't know about your high school, but where my kids went, they all underwent a baseline concussion protocol, so after an injury, they could be retested. And when evidence of injury was present, they would not be allowed back into participation until their performance returned to the baseline.

I'm sure I am not using the terminology properly, but it is something like that. And that dates back at least 5 years if not longer.

So, in that case, a shorter period of time being out could be possible if they were back to their baseline.
The only thing I can find is this from the NFHS in 2009:
Suggested Concussion Management:
1. No athlete should return to play (RTP) or practice on the same day of a concussion.
2. Any athlete suspected of having a concussion should be evaluated by an appropriate health-care professional that day.
3. Any athlete with a concussion should be medically cleared by an appropriate healthcare professional prior to resuming participation in any practice or competition.
4. After medical clearance, RTP should follow a step-wise protocol with provisions for delayed RTP based upon return of any signs or symptoms.

It may still be this way but my son said that it was recently changed in the last year or two. He could be misinformed though.
Here are the NCAA Articles. It seems that everyone needs to have one, but that it has to be reviewed by the NCAA to be fully implemented.
They have also provided some guidance

They are surprisingly thorough on this one. Seems you need to have a baseline of every athlete before they are allowed to compete, and then there are pretty rigorous testing protocols "during" and after the fact.

Each school has to come up with their own. Here is GTs:
ClemPson protocol: How many fingers do I have up ? If response is within plus or minus 1 of the number fingers being held up , player is deemed cleared to play.
Clemson fan I was talking to thought the protocol was to miss two weeks, but who knows.
Clemson fan I was talking to thought the protocol was to miss two weeks, but who knows.

Bryant has been cleared from his concussion against Syracuse. He is expected to play against us, but will probably still have some lingering ankle issues.
ClemPson protocol: How many fingers do I have up ? If response is within plus or minus 1 of the number fingers being held up , player is deemed cleared to play.
Clemson players have a hard time with that even without concussions.