Congrats to Joe Paterno


Helluva Engineer
May 14, 2003
for winning the Home Depot Coach of the Year Award last night. I've always considered Joe "PA" to be one of the better coaches in this country, not only for his coaching but also for what he leaves behind for his players.
Agreed, Rome. Its about time though that someone keeps him away from an open mike. He is really starting to speak his mind.

Has anyone else heard the rumor that he or one of his coaches had several of their plays designed in PS2 format for the players over last summer? If so, I think its a brilliant idea.
Seems like I heard that from an announcer.
I heard the same thing on ESPN and 790 the zone. Apparently, the coaching staff with PS2 savvy people, created plays for use in NCAA football 2006 to match many of the plays in their real play book and saved those settings on memory cards. It's said that the memory cards were as protected as hard copy play books and I can see why.

It's kind of interesting to think about the evolution of video games and how resposive the artificial intelligence is becoming in sports games. With the release of the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3, I bet it won't be too long before there are several teams using video games as "simulation training". Nascar does it as do civilian and military pilots and even police and soldiers. I wonder when we'll see a Penn State playbook memory card on ebay?

"Quit playing those video games, boy. They'll get you nowhere."
Kind of interesting. I thought with the new ps2 game you could only put together existing formations/plays, not make new ones. But, if one of the developers happened to be a PSU fan, I know it would have to be VERY easy to create a new playbook with custom plays. Would be interesting to hear about that.
I've wondered how they did it, but there are so many plays on the game that I guess it is possible to closely match the playbook. The next generation of games will likely have the flexability to allow users to fully create playbooks and formations.
Used to have it actually, I think it was in NCAA 2001 on the PS1. I never had a PS1, but a roommate did at one point and I picked the game up used for a few bucks. It wasn't great by any means, but it was good enough. I think Madden may have it in their latest one too, and it and NCAA are essentially built on the same platform, only difference is NCAA doesn't have any competition so they can make minor improvements and still sell... but I guess madden will be like that soon since NFL sold exclusive rights to them.
Tech game development people

Maybe a Tech alum with skills in this area should offer their services to Mark Richt.....