

Varsity Lurker
Aug 12, 2002
Obviously I totally misjudged our ability to stay in this game. I hope the season proves your team to be as dominant as they looked tonight. (Unforunately, while I don't want to disrespect your team or what they accomplished, I also have to convince myself that I'm not being unrealistic and making excuses. "Georgia Tech's tough..." Well, no doubt about it. But that's no excuse for us failing to show up.)

Good luck. Hopefully we'll have things on a better path by the return game in Nashville. Otherwise I don't even think we'll make for a worthwhile preseason scrimmage.
Thanks. Best of luck the rest of the way and I certainly hope that Coach Johnson is able to get the troops to jump up and bite one of your conference brethen.

Looking forward to going to Nashville in '03!
very gracious of you. You have a quality new coach when he gets the personal in to run the option your team will have better results

good luck