Contract Extension Link...

Georgia Tech---excellence in everything but football. There, we excell in mediocrity. I'll be pulling for Tech to win. But I'll be disappointed that we settled. (If this is actually true).
Georgia Tech---excellence in everything but football. There, we excell in mediocrity. I'll be pulling for Tech to win. But I'll be disappointed that we settled. (If this is actually true).

[/ QUOTE ]

There were only two choices.

Fire him or give him an extension. For recruiting reasons you couldn't just leave him as a lame duck coach. They obviously felt that his performance didn't warrent being fired so the only other option was to give him the extension. They also had to do it now because if they waited until after the upcoming two games (which might not bode well for us), they'd have a harder time selling it to the money guys.

I sincerely hope that it involves some serious consideration of changes to the offensive and special teams coaching staff. If not, then I'm disappointed.
Re: There were only two choices.

The money people are already upset. but the fact is, like most Tech people, their loyalty is to GT and not to the success of the football program. Proving once again, that you don't have to be Chan fan to cheer for the jackets and bleed white and gold.

I'll be /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif before the Georgia game b/c I'm going to be very sad if we don't send our seniors out with a win.
Re: There were only two choices.

Is there a reason that you think CCG has not already tried to hire an OC or would you hire one just to please eveybody or wait till you could get the right one but hey, I forgot it's easy to get coaches to come to GT just offer them the right amount of money.
SBP, comparing football to eveything else is going to keep you dissapointed because football AIN"T like everything else.
Re: There were only two choices.

Any reason for you to suggest the big money donors aren't behind this? IOW do you know something or are you just stirring things up more?
LB, I agree with RR's reply to you. It is as it should be. If we were to jump ship now we would be getting ourselves into a quagmire of a coaching dilema. Although I'm not overly elated at how things have gone todate, looking back it hasn't been way too bad either. This should definitely help with our recruiting since there has been some sense of stability put into the picture. And I also still believe that our football program is right on the brink of becoming a great program. If when our kids were coming up to college age and had the ability to chew gum and walk well enough to be looked at by GT, this extension would definitely be a factor for me to consider.
We better be recruiting one HELL of a QB to get in here!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif
This was a good decision given our current situation (academic standards, recruiting in SEC country, the coaches available out there, the need for stability in our program etc), now we must address the OC situation, like I said countless times we don’t need to reinvent the wheel and go through another painful transition process with the possibility of finding another Bill Lewis, what we have is good enough to only need better play calling at critical times, a solidified physical O-Line and a little more depth. I was never the biggest Gailey fan but you have to admit other programs out there with no restrictions and a load of blue chippers are doing a whole lot worse than us (A&M, Nebraska, NC St, UT) etc. We don’t load up with Blue chippers every year so our ability to turn on a dime with a new coach is very small therefore our return to greatness has to be a gradual process and this is a step in the right direction, now if only we got an OC.

I've heard from a few people inside the AA that he hasn't felt he needed a new one right now. Maybe they are wrong but that is what I've heard.

Yes, I do think a new one is needed and for reasons beyond just making fans happy.

Finally, I think you are overblowing how hard it would be to find an OC to come to Tech. The position isn't nearly as difficult as the head coach job and talent does exist on that side of the ball. Also, not sure when it became okay to not do something just because it is hard.
Re: There were only two choices.

The big money donors I know aren't huge Chan fans. But they would never abandon GT over something as trivial as a coaching issue. I was not stirring anything up. In fact I said, they would not stop donating over a football coach. In fact, even big money donors have far less influence than most people think. That may not be true at Auburn or other places but it is at GT. And quite frankly, like everyone, they'd rather see Chan win than lose. I honestly think most big money donors to Tech see giving as unrelated to who the head football coach is. I think its more the small donors who take their stuff home when they aren't happy. I may not be thrilled, but if Chan is our HC I will continue to pull for him to win, buy tickets, and donate what paltry sums as I can as a lowly grad student.

That being said, when the GTAA makes the announcement I will fully support what DB does. He is far far wiser than I.
OC is not our biggest need - #1 need is QB coach and #2 is special teams coach.
You got the answer that was merited by your post.

Just remember, I have always said, when DB makes a decision on a coach I will be fully behind it (whether or not from my limited info I agree or not). When he makes the announcement, you won't hear me criticize it.