Cook It Up Any Way You Want

Bob Benson

Trump Train on these Tools
Ban Hammer'd
Apr 23, 2016
Coach Bryan Cook left for Statesboro after the departure of Elictrifying Superstar Justin Thomas of Prattville, Alabama.

This Alabama legend will be remembered as the most win producing, game icing, victory engineering Quarterback in Georgia Tech history.

Because of his Leqdership and because of the meal plans developed by The Cook aka Bryan, we have put ourselves to recruit a naval base of engineers who will run up and down athens every other year for decades to come.

The quarterback depth has been enough to feed you all summer long.

Any way you like, you can cook up a victory recipe that has dawg sting all over it. Let's take them down like we did in '14 & '16 in Armageddon.

And yes that means Tree Victories in Four Seasons.

Enjoy the meal, boys.

The mistakes shall be gearing up for excretion September 3rd.

Here we come.

Jacket Heart '17
(Cook it up) any way you want it
that's the way you (Candeto) it
Tree victories? I thought they had hedges.
I can't believe they proudly guard an invasive species of plant. Hedges in America should all be killed out. Hell, the dumbasses even had the invasive kudzu on their stupid railroad track where their moron fans gathered to watch the game before they closed in that cesspool. Surprised they aren't growing kudzu up the side of the place proudly.
Tree victories? I thought they had hedges.

Leqdership has to become the Stingtalk band name, right guys?