Coordinator Interviews

I always like to listen to the coordinators speak. I feel they provide many more insights than Collins, as he's pretty set in his messaging. Anyway, several interviews with the new coordinators were posted today:

If you get my hopes up for 3 wins, I am coming for you.
We sure do have a lot of new coordinators. You sure they aren't just the new coaches?

Seriously, not a single coordinator interview in this thread. :facepalm:
Here is who should be conducting our staff interviews

They were all great but Coach Semore did it for me. I love his comfort but displayed such personal depth at his job. I have coached about 2000 games and now approaching retirement and after watching Coach Semore's interview am thinking about doing it all over again. Good Luck Coach!
Ok, I listed to each interview - started with Semore, then Tillman then Daniels then Weinke.

Weinke by far is the most impressive. By far.