Corporate sponsorship for regular season game!

GT Ace

Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 3, 2001
Ya knew it was comin. It's here. West Virginia/Marshall is now the 'Friends of Coal' Bowl. How far will this go? more importantly, how fast will this go to other gms?

Friends of Coal Bowl
I don't remember if it was during the last years of Homer or at the start of Braine, but this concept was being seriously considered at ol' Ma Tech.
I do remember the idea taking a lot of heat. Glad it never happened.
Yes , it has been done in the past. Invesco was ..

one sponsor. I can't remember the others.
Re: Yes , it has been done in the past. Invesco was ..

I think Cosco(sp) was one.
Re: Yes , it has been done in the past. Invesco was .., we weren't a sponsor in that sense...we contribute lots of money to GTAA and we promote Costco at one game per year. But a couple years ago, we agreed to sell discounted tickets to Costco members (we are about savings btw) and I honestly couldn't believe how much negativity Hivers and StingTalk people came of this. We offered the discounted tickets and PAID the difference. The Costco members saved and GTAA sold tickets and Costco put people in the seats. We haven't done it since. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif
Re: Yes , it has been done in the past. Invesco was ..

You shouldn't take that the wrong way. Any bad feelings were not directed at your fine company. The feeling is that Tech football seats should NEVER need be sold at a discount.
Just maybe, Dan Radokovich and co. will create the interest where a Tech football seat is a hard find at full price. I hope so.
Pretty sure Texaco sponsored one or more of those home games.
Doesnt the Postal Service sponser all the ESPN Thursday night games already? Or is "presented by" something different?