Corruption of College Athletics


Varsity Lurker
Dec 9, 2003
Hey Guys, havent posted in a while but I wanted to come back because I have a great opportunity for yall to bash UGAg(and other colleges in general). This year we are doing major projects in English as part of our exam for English. We could choose anything we wanted to and I chose the Corruption of College Athletics. So if yall want to, it would be a huge help if you could go and find some incrminating facts or stats about Ugag or any other college. Thanks.
the HS "diploma mills" and Hardgrove prep schools would probably be a really good angle to take, and will soon have a lot of source info behind it (NCAA is cracking down on the diploma mills... supposably).
Here are a few bullet points for further consideration:

Jim Calhoum exploiting a loophole that allowed him to pay the AAU coach of three top recruits he was targeting by organizing neutral tournaments and using the money obtained to pay the coach, it was such a black eye for the NCAA that the following year they changed the rules to do away with this, by the way Calhoun got two of the three top recruits (one was Rudy Gay).

Auburn’s disclosure (or should I say enclosure) agreement with Terry Bowden, he was paid $620,000 for keeping quiet and the evil troll also protected a $825,000 lakeside home and two cars.

Willie Williams recruiting diaries

The University of Tennesse’s major which was madeup of 95+% football players, don’t have the link for that one.

And don’t forget UGA’s Jan Kemp and the whole Tony Cole/Jim Harrick/”How many halves are in a college basketball game” situation.

Look up the patterns of handslapping to former criminoles such as Dan Kendra, Sebastian Janikowski, Lavernues Coles, Snoop Minis, Adrian McPherson, etc etc. This is really a topic in itself.

Well this list can go on indefinitely, but these are the ones that stand out in my mind. Also consider addressing situations where the NCAA ludicrous rules end up hurting the kids, for example when Utah was put on probation because Rick Majerus offered hamburgers to some players during team meetings

Hope this helps, this is a topic that's just packed with factual evidence.
Don't forget the Albert Means fiasco with Bama and Memphis - didn't that one have criminal implications? federal maybe?
just sniff around in our own back yard. To start..recent NCAA probation, using many athletes who were academically ineligible, and now the allegations of a cover up by top officals in today's paper at GT. Something smells rotten and maybe you can expose the bad apples at GT and make a difference to get things cleaned and cleared up. I, for one, am growing tired of the all the negative publicity...and with this pending lawsuit and allegations by Olevetti about a GT cover up, it looks like it is going to continue. Focus on GT, a subject you should know about, and make a difference. Maybe your paper on corruption would garner regional or national headlines and it could have a positive impact on GT by exposing some issues because where there is smoke is fire...and that fire needs to be extinguished.
Where there is smoke there is fire? Or, there's someone trying to get a payday. I think we already know what happened and the NCAA does as well. This will be a PR problem but I doubt it is more than that.