Countdown Clock?


Jul 11, 2002
Once upon a time, and off and on I think, we had a countdown clock for the time remaining until first kickoff of the new season. Can we get one again and keep it from season to season without having to request it?
Once upon a time, and off and on I think, we had a countdown clock for the time remaining until first kickoff of the new season. Can we get one again and keep it from season to season without having to request it?

I bet Trey Klock can help us out.
9 days
19 hours
21 minutes
20 seconds from NOW
Iirc they used to put it on a digital sign on campus right by the connector

So what time does this game start exactly? Dublin time is 5 hours ahead of Eastern. Everything here says kickoff is 7:30am, which would be 12:30 pm there. The Aer Lingus College Football Classic website has a "countdown to kickoff" timer, and it's counting down to 12pm Dublin time, 7am here.
he Aer Lingus College Football Classic website has a "countdown to kickoff" timer, and it's counting down to 12pm Dublin time, 7am here.
They just know we are a late arriving crowd and are trying to get us there for "TOE MEETS LEATHER."