CPJ press conference today

i guess from yesterday, but posted today

Georgia Tech’s Paul Johnson Discusses His Team’s Arrival in Jacksonville
Not able to watch the video at the moment, can anyone transcribe this bit?
"How can you help Todd (Stansbury) do his job?"

PJ "Anyway he needs me from a fundraising standpoint. Tech people are specific and want to know what the money is needed for."

"Must make you excited to know that he's going to be that involved?"

PJ "Yes, it's refreshing."

TaxSlayer Bowl

. @GTPaulJohnson never misses an opportunity to coach his boys up.

Dec 28 2016 3:23 PM

more Tweet stuff at http://www.news4jax.com/taxslayer-bowl
I have it on good authority that the Bobinski family was not on distribution for the Johnson's Christmas card.