Cross division games should not count in the division standings.


Dec 24, 2007
It probably does not matter this year but we and Miami start with a significant disadvantage in the Coastal race each year since we always have to play Clemson and FSU. If we draw FSU or Louisville for our other cross division game in a season, the schedule is brutal. Even this year with two losses we would have a better chance to catch up.
I agree. I also don't think the games vs. Miami, VT, UNC, and PITT should count either. Complete and total bullshit.
I agree. Still require the two crossover games - but they should not count in determining the division title.
We play 6 division games. Basically half our schedule. Those are really all that should matter as it's a true round robin.

The cross division games should enter into the equation as tie breakers. We'd still be at a disadvantage but not at as pointless a disadvantage any more.
It is up to us to make it tougher for them to beat us than for us to beat them.
That makes no sense. If we win all our division games, and Duke wins all their division games other than against us, but we lose to top 5 FSU and Clemson and Duke beats bottom feeders Wake and NC State, Duke wins the division. Replace Tech with Miami or Louisville's opposite and yu have the same scenario.

But it's not just these teams. What if NC State and Wake happened to be great teams in that year but FSU and Clemson are crap and Duke beats Tech instead, but loses to Wake/NC State and we make it through by beating crap FSU and Clemson. Counting cross division games makes no sense at all. The problem for Tech, Miami and Louisville's permanent opponent is that they are more likely to suffer from these scenarios than other teams. But even if permanent opponents didn't exist, there is no reason to decide the divisions champ using external games when we play a round robin schedule.
This is a fair point. We get Clemson every year while UNC and VT get NC State and Boston College. It would be one thing if it rotated, but the way it currently is DOES put us at a competitive disadvantage.
No matter how you get there, you still have to beat Clemson or FSU to win the league anyway.
It should randomly rotate and if you have a traditional rival, schedule it OOC. That can also help get to the two Power 5 teams you have to play OOC.
That makes no sense. If we win all our division games, and Duke wins all their division games other than against us, but we lose to top 5 FSU and Clemson and Duke beats bottom feeders Wake and NC State, Duke wins the division. Replace Tech with Miami or Louisville's opposite and yu have the same scenario.

But it's not just these teams. What if NC State and Wake happened to be great teams in that year but FSU and Clemson are crap and Duke beats Tech instead, but loses to Wake/NC State and we make it through by beating crap FSU and Clemson. Counting cross division games makes no sense at all. The problem for Tech, Miami and Louisville's permanent opponent is that they are more likely to suffer from these scenarios than other teams. But even if permanent opponents didn't exist, there is no reason to decide the divisions champ using external games when we play a round robin schedule.


Up to us to become better.
I don't think we should ever play other ACC teams. That way, we're always undefeated in conference.

Replacing Clemson with NC State should definitely help ticket sales.

We'll get more national TV exposure if we play Wake Forest more.

Recruits want to see Tech play Duke rather than FSU. If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best.