Curry for President of PR/GT in '06


Aug 15, 2005
Curry for President of PR/GT in \'06

Might as well start up the campaign for all the haters. Might not be a bad move anyways.
Re: Curry for President of PR in \'06

Hear Ye hear ye; Would you consider making a small adjustment in that to the order of Curry for PRESIDENT /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif of GT?
Re: Curry for President of PR in \'06

This is getting a little nuts guys. Its all well and good, and I know most of the good folks here at stingtalk have some sense about them and are just joking, if a little disapointed. But, for the sake of everyones sanity and to provide a little unity to the program could we start cutting back on the Curry stuff in the next few days?

Check out the other board (the hive, I lurk, no sense in posting much with those bitter yankee former band members there), and you'll see the amount of anamosity that already going out to this guy, and people saying that Curry was stabbed in the back (which I fail to see unless he was promised the job), not to mention all the old guard vs know-it-all-lil-bastards type posts.

Have fun for a bit, raise some hell, have a shot or two, kick your dog, but let it go soon, theres a lot of work to be done and we've got enough sour grapes to fill a damn warehouse already.
Re: Curry for President of PR in \'06

I honestly just don't think there is anything to get upset about. I was pulling for Curry until they put both up a couple of days ago. I google'd Rad's name and the first thing that comes up is the fact that (albeit a UGA class) he was chosen as the top runner in the AD search for AU and USC-E. At that point I realized who the most qualified candidate was. I do think that Curry could also benefit GT by working in a PR type position but as I look back-there is no reason he is qualified to run an Athletics Department.
This post was made in jest because I doubt Mr. Curry would take such a position but I also feel that those that are upset with the decision are of clouded mind due to other circumstances. Being a Tech man and being a great motivator/speaker does not qualify anyone to run ALL of GT's athletics. There is just no experience there.
Re: Curry for President of PR in \'06

I can't speak for the rest of the good posters here at Stingtalk, but for my part, I can.
I'd just like to thank you for such a wonderful compliment. You said this thing is "getting a little nutty."
That's the nicest thing I've had said about me in such a long time.
"Too nutty", "way past nutty", "hopeless", are just some of the ways I've been described.
I could PROUDLY pass for my hero, Ernest T. Bass at times and what a hero he is.
I'll bet you know who Ernest T. Bass is too, don't you? I can throw rocks, I can dance, I can shimmy up a tree, shoot, I can do a lot of stuff.
Then you mentioned "SANITY"! Now I never did own one of those, but I did ride on a truck one time that had something close to that on the side.
Seems like it was "SANITATION DEPT", yep, that's what it was, I remember now.
You know, maybe we need to throw a "WELCOME TO GT" party for our new AD right soon. We could serve up some Crawdats smothered in Polish Sausage just to make him feel right at home.
I'd like to meet the man that beat Bill Curry out for a position.
Being a fan of Bill Curry as long as I have, I'd venture to say that beating Bill Curry at anything would have to be a major accomplishment.
Not to worry though, I'm sure we'll be off this craziness soon enough and then you can see our straight face again.
But in the mean time, AIN'T THIS FUN?
Come on now and admit it, you know it's fun.
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif
Have a nice day Ramblin, and always looking forward to reading your posts.