cut and paste complaint


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 15, 2001
-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan L []
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 9:32 PM
Subject: Cut and paste

I got a note from a user tonight that some of the practice reports on the
Hive were cut and pasted on to StingTalk. I surely don't care if they make
their way over there. However, I would appreciate if they were only linked
and not cut and pasted. All reports are free and posted where anyone can view them. They are also considered copyrighted material and should be
treated as such.;f=1;t=004141;f=1;t=004133

Thanks for your cooperation,
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">My understanding was that people were having trouble viewing the "Hive" b/c of EZboards being locked out at their work.

I would like to point out that Master B, the author, posted in the same thread.

Master B
Bronze Member
Member # 408

posted 03-17-2003 01:01 PM
techrod, shoot me an email ( I'll see if i can help with your problem.

ylojk8, It was good to meet you yesterday. I just now put together who you are. When GTT told me your name, in my mind I had it spelled out completely and it didn't really register until now.

law bee, thanks for linking up my post over here!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I am not sure what rights and restrictions Master B has regarding his practice reports. I know this was not part of the premium section.

I have removed the member's post that was the "cut and paste." The link remains.

In the future members should avoid "cut and paste" and I apologize for the inconvenience to those who cannot access EZboards.
Why would Ramblin Reck whine about this when it doesnt seem to bother Master B? Since Master B actually posts here, as opposed to the complainer, he can easily tell us not to do it. This makes me yearn for the days when RR could't deal with the chaos of free speech and ran for cover. Someone who racks up points by donating other people's money to the GTAA should be a little more tolerant. - DJ -
Master B works for the insider now so that may be part of it. I'm just guessin.
I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with that unless MasterB did. Nothing has been copied from the premium board here.

I know for a fact some have trouble getting on the Hive.

MasterB even said thanks to Lawbee for doing it as you've shown. He's often replied on StingTalk after something he's written on Hive after it's been copied and pasted here.
I don't think linking is the issue so much as the
copying and pasting of the content. RR doesn't
allow copying and pasting of content on the Hive
from other boards either.

If someone copied and pasted GTT's practice report
on the Hive it would be removed and replaced with
a link.
Originally posted by CrackerJacket:
I don't think linking is the issue so much as the
copying and pasting of the content. RR doesn't
allow copying and pasting of content on the Hive
from other boards either.

If someone copied and pasted GTT's practice report
on the Hive it would be removed and replaced with
a link.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">With all do respect the rules on the Hive do no apply here.

Edit: I don't think the rules on the Hive apply here anyway. Maybe beestorm and gtfan can tell us.
I have spoken with an attorney and we have discussed the issue. I am not convinced that the material posted was protected by copyright, HOWEVER EVEN IF we presume it is copyright protected there are many factors that would be considered

1. this material was in the public domain and was not the from the pay site
2. the author of the material did not complain and actually thanked the poster who originally linked to the article
3. Stingtalk is a NON PROFIT site and I mean specifically Beestorm and I do not draw a salary and are not paid for our services.

All this being said I did delete it. This is not really a fight I care to take up. I think it is the GT community that suffers when PRACTICE REPORTS become copyrighted. The material was posted on Stingtalk for GT fans who cannot access the “hive.” The admins of Stingtalk from the very beginning have taken the attitude of coexistence with the “hive.” We recognize the qualities of the hive and hope that it continues to serve the GT community.
Originally posted by GTTerrific:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by CrackerJacket:
I don't think linking is the issue so much as the
copying and pasting of the content. RR doesn't
allow copying and pasting of content on the Hive
from other boards either.

If someone copied and pasted GTT's practice report
on the Hive it would be removed and replaced with
a link.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">With all do respect the rules on the Hive do no apply here.

Edit: I don't think the rules on the Hive apply here anyway. Maybe beestorm and gtfan can tell us.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">GTT...I'm simply saying that RR has asked for the
same courtesy he extends to other boards and sources
of information.