"damn good rat"; como?

Yellow Fever

Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 6, 2007
Could someone explain what exactly this means? I am still learning the history of GT and its teams over the years. Sorry for the noob question, i'll come around eventually :D
Refers to GT Freshmen. RATS - Recently Acquired Tech Student. Or RAT - Recruit At Tech.

Edit to add:
Freshman would wear RAT caps. The RAT caps are decorated with the football team's scores, the freshman's name, hometown, major, expected graduation date, and "To Hell With Georgia" emblazoned on the back of the cap.
It actually started dying in 1982 when the Rats On The Field tradition ended due to ACC rules about who could go on the field.

I've always wished that it could be revived by finding a way to get a ton of freshman back on the field under the ACC rules, maybe by forming them into an official school organization or something.
Nobody wears the RAT caps they give out anymore except for the band nerds. They don't even fit.
Nobody wears the RAT caps they give out anymore except for the band nerds. They don't even fit.

You have to get different sizes.

To the original question: Damn Good Rats was generally a cheer the upperclassmen yelled when the Rats did something good. The best cheers were when the Rats (who went on the field and formed a tunnel for the team), would break rank and go after the Duke, Clemson, etc mascot's TAILS.

Of course great fun was had by the upperclassmen after a few "cokes" and cheers immediately started before the game began:

"Rats on the Field" "Rats on the Field"

When on the field and nothing happened, the cheers would continue:

"Damn Poor Rats, Damn Poor Rats"

Egging on drunk 18 year olds was pretty easy and eventually they'd break for the opponent's mascot.

"Damn Good Rats, Damn Good Rats" It was great fun, particularly when your team was winless.
Nobody wears the RAT caps they give out anymore except for the band nerds. They don't even fit.

  1. A RAT isn't supposed to truly "fit" like a traditional hat, genius. As RAT Mom (another fun tradition I'd be happy to educate you all on) I wear a RAT Cap, and do it with a full afro, so I don't wanna hear that crap.
  2. Most of that is due to the institute moving away from emphasizing the tradition, in conjunction with stricter anti-hazing policies.
The term "Damn Good RAT" was used, as someone already pointed out to signify a RAT who does something especially good or cool. Such examples could include the tradition of paging George P. Burdell at an away football game, or continuing to wear ones RAT Cap even after a homecoming win (this tradition changed from the original "wear it until we beat u[sic]ga or the end of the year"). "Damn Poor RAT" is the converse of this.

lonestarjacket said:
Sadly, the current crop is too cool for school and the tradition is dying.

Damn Poor RATs!

Trust me, I could go on for days about this. I really feel that the attitude of the students and, to a degree, the institute have contributed to the decline of certain traditions. Most notably, the RAT Caps.
It is referenced on NCAA 2009 in the loading time before a game at BDS

RAT caps that is
Best way to revive a little bit of freshman tradition would be a reverberating "Damn Poor Rats" cheer until the freshmen wanted to know was going on. The rat cap worn to the game and freshmen sitting together are good traditions, ceratinly not hazing.

Our student section used to be loud and clever in cheering. Head cheerleaders were miked and in front of the students, right in front of the rats. Cheerleaders can do virtually nothing to get the student section invloved when they are on the sideline and the students are in the end zone.
Best way to revive a little bit of freshman tradition would be a reverberating "Damn Poor Rats" cheer until the freshmen wanted to know was going on. The rat cap worn to the game and freshmen sitting together are good traditions, ceratinly not hazing.

Our student section used to be loud and clever in cheering. Head cheerleaders were miked and in front of the students, right in front of the rats. Cheerleaders can do virtually nothing to get the student section invloved when they are on the sideline and the students are in the end zone.

It makes me sad, that I am not yet 50, yet this great tradition at Tech has been allowed to die. As dorky as it seems, one of your most treasured mementos of your days at Tech after you "Get out" is your RAT cap, fully adorned as the tradition dictates, right next to your framed diploma.

We embraced it in the 70s and early 80s, thank God the band is keeping it alive.

Students today need to reconsider this. One day this tradition will return, and today's students will be missing a treasured keepsake.
It makes me sad, that I am not yet 50, yet this great tradition at Tech has been allowed to die. As dorky as it seems, one of your most treasured mementos of your days at Tech after you "Get out" is your RAT cap, fully adorned as the tradition dictates, right next to your framed diploma.

We embraced it in the 70s and early 80s, thank God the band is keeping it alive.

Students today need to reconsider this. One day this tradition will return, and today's students will be missing a treasured keepsake.

I doubt it. I fear we're headed towards grade inflation, more easy majors, and coddled students till we're virtually indistinguishable from Duke.:confused:

The next thing you know students will give you a puzzled look when you ask "What's the Good Word?" and start looking forward to "graduation.":o
The best cheers were when the Rats (who went on the field and formed a tunnel for the team), would break rank and go after the Duke, Clemson, etc mascot's TAILS.

"RATS get the TAIL! RATS get the TAIL!"
I doubt it. I fear we're headed towards grade inflation, more easy majors, and coddled students till we're virtually indistinguishable from Duke.:confused:

The next thing you know students will give you a puzzled look when you ask "What's the Good Word?" and start looking forward to "graduation.":o

According to one of my friends, there is a shirt for sell in the bookstore that says "What's the Good Word?" on the front, and "Give 'Em Hell Tech!" on the back. I don't thing I need to explain what it wrong with that one. However, I will note that I have not seen the back of the shirt myself to confirm...