Darn, Tony Hollings ain't ever coming back to GT

GT Ace

Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 3, 2001
Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

Not only is he the #7 rated player for next Spring's NFL draft, 2nd highest rated RB, but he's pondering petitioning the NFL to be a supplimental pick this summer so he can go to pro summer camp &, hopefully, play pro ball this coming Sept.
It's all so sad that he was ruled academically ineligible for GT this Fall. What a shame for all GT fans to not get to see him run in white & gold again. Anyway, here's the article:

Hollings #7 rated pro pick next Spring
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

It's a shame he allowed his grades to sag to the point of being declared academically ineligible. He was really going to have some games this year that would have given him the opportunity to prove himself as a premier running back. The supplemental draft will be his best quick option to the NFL because once the Heisman race starts, he will be quickly forgotten by the scouts.
Of course, he does have the option of studying and attempting to get a good education at Tech. There are a lot of non athletes that would love to be enrolled at Tech that didn't quite make the SAT's or GPA's. One thing he needs to consider, if he does declare for the supplemental draft and goes undrafted or doesn't make an NFL roster. What then?
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

JJacket, Coach G said in Newnan that it was about the NCAA's (& GT's) rule about advancing toward a degree rather than grades(way too many electives). He has no chance at Tech whatsoever to ever suit up again. He could play at a NAIA school if he wants to suit up for a college season. He won't want to do that. Might as well take the Pro shot.

Been telling ya'll that the coaches 'know' a heck of a lot more about these academic situations than they want the fans to know. Evertbody associated with the athletic department 'muffed it' with re to our academic casualties.
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

GTAce...you are exactly right. I'm convinced the coaches and staff knew more about this academic stuff than they are letting onto.
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

Ace, did the coaches figure out (or were they told) about Tony's problem after he flunked out or before? You're pretty free with your criticisms and claims, anything to back them up?

BTW, isn't this sort of what tripped up Burns? Took all his electives to stay eligible and then had nothing left to take but core courses. Then couldn't pass them? Could be wrong but this is what I was told. Is this the problem the rest of the upperclassmen had?
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

Yes it is a complete BS event that has happened.
Coaches, advisors, study hall administrators, AD,
and STUDENT ATHLETES. The blame is everywhere but I feel it lies most with the athletes unless TECH (which is not doing this) is having somebody else doing the testing or studying part of the privelege of going to college. In light of all of this, let's be happy that Holling's is considered, as of right now, a top 10 pick. I hope that he does good as do all of you, but I hope that the adminstration and coaches see that there is a problem. I hope that they see this and only time will tell. just venting
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

I know this may sound like a dumb question, but how can our acedemic advisors not notice that an athlete is loading up on only electives? Are they that incompetent? Ms. Moore sitting in the office all day doing nothing?
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

JJacket, that's what I'm trying to understand. Is that how O'Leary kept them eligible?
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

IMO, I went to Western Carolina, A D1AA University in football. I knew the athletes and the students (meaning the players that were there to get a degree as well as playing). Believe me, that athletes (especially the one's that go to Duke and Tech in the ACC and ........) could not make it unless they have an option. What that option is????? I do not think that TECH would take a short cut, I think that the AD did not pay attention to the athletes and what they are doing and that's why they are no longer here. That's where I think you have to monitor your athleste's and at least make an effort (like you were when your were recruiting them) that you care and they know what there goals and priororties are. Some kids you have to put your foot up their ass to get them motivated.
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

If O'Leary was anything off the field like he was on the field our players probably knew better than to screw up their academics. I know that a lot of times during a game when one of our guy's would make a mistake I would look down at O'Leary and think "Damn, I'd hate to be the one in his sights right now". I think he even chewed Manget after a kickoff against NC on the Thursday game a couple of years ago. (By the way, that was a beautiful night - took my NC fan buddy who claimed that Peppers would dominate the game. He spent most of the time getting pushed around the field)
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

Three comments on this issue.

First, I am surprised to see Tony rated that high. Normally, the pros lay off those that have this kind of injury until the latter rounds. This may still turn out to be the case for Hollings.

After saying this about his chances in the pros, it is worth a shot. If he were to chance playing in college again, he might not be effective or might get hurt again. With the pro option, he might get an up front amount of money to sign on with a club, and I can't fault him for that.

Even if he gets hurt after signing, he would still have the money.

Secondly, no, GT Ace and GeeTee have no facts, only their guesses. Their guess is no better than someone who guesses the coaches were, indeed, insulated from the grading and tutoring process. At least, those guessing Gailey and the coaches were insulated has been confirmed by Braine and Clough.

Thirdly, we lost a lot of players each year when O'Leary was the coach. Since George was working under a different system. it is highly possible he was helping those who transferred because they could not make the grade at Tech.

I believe Master B has a post somewhere where Tech lost about 35 players from the team in three years due to grades and transfers. We don't know, but it is possible those transfers happened because George knew they were in trouble.

Father Time
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

JJacket, I'm sure O'Leary was on the guys if they screwed up in class. But what I'm asking is whether they were progressing towards a degree. Were they taking all electives to stay eligible, then left with all their core classes at the end of their playing careers (or after they finished playing). I'm not claiming they were, just asking if anyone knows. It sounds like that's Tony's problem and I was told that is what caught up with Burns. No amount of work in the classroom will meet the new academic requirements if you aren't taking the right classes.
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

At least where I went, Sociology, was the main degree that student athletes pursued. What is the easiest degree that a student athlete or someone could get from TECH?
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

Easy degrees from TECH???.... hahahahahahahaha
Those that want easy degrees go to UGag.... or FSU... or Clemson... or, or, or, or... ad infinitem...

Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

Smack- to answer your question - most athletes at Tech take the management degree. While the math and science is certainly easier than engineering math, it is still a highly analytical management degree. Everyone has to take 1 year of calculus (mgt level but still calculus) and some combination of chemistry/physics/biology etc. There really isn't a sociology (or in Clemson speak Parks and Recreation) major at Tech. That is the difference in Tech and other places - Virginia and UNC are fine institutions and students have very high entrance scores - but the difference is that you can get a degree in very hard courses or fairly easy courses. We really don't have the place to hide that others do so being on track to graduate means you have to do real work. It is our blessing as an institute and our curse for athletes.
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

NCJacket- Yes, that was Burns' problem as well as Hollings'. O'L allowed Burns to take the entire Spring practice off before his rJr yr(his last semester @ Tech) to try to stay academically eligible. The coaches knew Burns was in trouble & almost assuredly knew that Burns had no hope of showing NCAA required advancement toward a degree after his rJr (4th Fall) yr.
The same has happened to Hollings & almost assuredly to Lawston. Since I don't know for sure what other upper classmen were dropped out of GT, I can't comment on them.
That the entire AA academic staff, from that woman on down, that has spoken publically, have said they kept the coaches 'posted' & 'updated' & that Coach G & other coaches KNEW the players' situation leads me to believe that Gailey KNEW who was in trouble & who wasn't. PROBATION at GT is a hard thing to miss or dismiss after academic advisors have told u this.
Coach G may have been shielded from the grading, class monitoring & tutoring aspects of the AA, BUT were not shielded from the final outcomes of the Semesters. Coach G KNEW on Jan 2, 2003 who was on PROBATION for Spring Semester 2003 & who wasn't. They KNEW who might be dropped out after the Spring. The ones not on probation couldn't be dropped, unless upperclassmen were not making the NCAA mandated satisfactory advancement, while the ones on pro could be GONE after Spring. The coaches had to have known this & the AA staff said they did.
Who's lying? Who, just plain out, doesn't want to look at the truth?
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

PS; Coach G knew Hollings was out after the Fall. When he did not sign up for classes, starting Jan 4,2003, there was no way on earth he could make the NCAA required advancement toward a degree. There is NO WAY for the Head Coach not to know this. No way for Coach G not to know TH was not a GT student.
Although Coach G continued to say publically "we hope to have Tony back 100% in the Fall", Coach Nix & other coaches said "we are making plans to go on without Tony". They knew, they plain out knew.
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

Sounds like you have the scoop. Does shed a different light on at least some of the player losses.
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

Seems to me that ma Tech needs to get more athletic friendly or else!
Re: Darn, Tony Hollings ain\'t ever coming back to GT

To add to Y Jacket's comments, even the majors that some Tech engineering students scoff at (management and anything involving the Ivan Allen College) have highly analytical curriculum. One way or another, some part of your brain is going to be challenged no matter what major you study at Tech.

One of the "perks" of a major like management is that you don't have to take any physics to fulfill your lab science requirements. If you're able to register earlier than the other students (as most if not all student athletes do), you may be lucky enough to get into an earth science lab, which is supposedly the easiest of the introductory lab science classes.