Darryl Richard Honored With ACC's Jim Tatum Award

Way to go D-Rich! We are all VERY proud of you!! Go make us even prouder!

Let's refresh the list:

Monday - most first team All-ACC: GT
Tuesday - ACC COY: Paul Johnson, GT
Weds - ACC POY: Jonathan Dwyer, GT
Thursday - Tatum: Darryl Richard, GT

Congrats, Darryl. An honor well deserved.
Way to go Darryl!

What an impressive young man.

I think I remember reading somewhere that CPJ said he thought DRich would be President of the US at some point.

Awesome Tech Man - on and off the field.
Great player, great student, and will be missed next year. Whatever he does in life, I have little doubt that he'll be very successful. Congrats to him!
Big ups DR!
(Now get back to finding our new school president)