Dawgs leaving instate recruiting open?


beware the zealot
Dec 17, 2001
There's an article in the Macon Telegraph that talked about the fact that UGA had 6 or 7 4 and five star recruits at the game, several who have already verballed. ALL of them were from out of state. That means they will have to be taking less instate talent this year.

Will we take advantage and get some good ballers pissed off at being passed over by UGAg or will Clemson, Auburn, FSU and the old ball coach pick the vines clean...
According to the Recruiting sites the in state talent favors all the neighboring state's teams over us. It is quite disheartening, but we are in SEC country and everyone here seems to want to play for the likes of UGAg, Alabama, Auburn, Tennessee, Florida, LSU, and South Carolina over Us. As if that weren't bad enough, They seem to favor Miami, FSU, and Clemson to us in our own conference. I don't know what happened, but we are no where near the second option, behing UGAg, for most kids in our state.
QI don't know what happened, but we are no where near the second option, behing UGAg, for most kids in our state.
If you had a choice of schools would you choose this bland football or go with someone like Spurrier ?
It has been 4 long years now and I am ready for a CHANge
Instead of speaking in useless generalities, why don't you list the 4- and 5-star players from Georgia who have met our entrance requirements and who want to major in one of he subjects we offer.
I am not a coach or a recruiter but I dont think it would be hard to find 20 to 25 super star atheletes that can meet our requirements. No one says they have to live in Ga.
The problem would be to sell them on our program and I dont think even I would want a part of it as it is now
Why did you mention 4 and 5 star atheletes ? I keep hearing stars dont matter
Why did you mention 4 and 5 star atheletes ?

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That was the subject of this thread - try to pay attention.
Many of the in state athletes don't need to be flown in to see a game.

UGAg can pretty much decide which ones they are taking. If they decided to go after a particuliar in state athlete right now - they'd likely get him - even if they were showing lukewarm interest before. It's just part of being loved by most kids in this state.

Right now, they are busy flying in the very best athletes in the country and trying to get a verbal. Fallback is one of the very best athletes in our state.

We get the very best we can.

Thank god we have Calvin Johnson and not them. Otherwise, we might be spending this year hearing about UGAg's great national championship of 2004. David Green would have had a field day with him at WR.
Thank god we have Calvin Johnson and not them. Otherwise, we might be spending this year hearing about UGAg's great national championship of 2004. David Green would have had a field day with him at WR.

We sure could have used CJ this season. That's for sure.
Oh sure thing, mm, let me get out my list and start calling all the states 4 and 5 star athletes. I'm sure they'll tell me their SAT and what majors they're looking for!!??!!!


What do you consider a "useless generality" that UGAg has already gotten over 20 verbals and a high percentage of them are from out of state? Do I have to have the exact number and list their names and ratings for you to consider my point? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wtf.gif
Oh sure thing, mm, let me get out my list and start calling all the states 4 and 5 star athletes. I'm sure they'll tell me their SAT and what majors they're looking for!!??!!!

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That's the point - you don't know these things. Your notion is that since UGAg didn't sign these blue-chippers, they are ours for the taking, but until you know their grades, SAT scores, # of math classes taken in high school, and desired majors you can't possibly know if even one 4- or 5-star recruit from Georgia can be ours.

Thank god we have Calvin Johnson and not them. Otherwise, we might be spending this year hearing about UGAg's great national championship of 2004. David Green would have had a field day with him at WR.

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Basically that's what we're up against when it comes to our recruiting vs Georgia's. They can offer a top recruit a great opportunity to have an incredibly successful career while saying that if you go to Tech, you'll deal with frustration (if you read Stingtalk) and mediocrity. In that situation, why would a top athlete with the NFL written all over him seriously consider us? We can banter that stars don't mean anything, and clearly there are exceptions that say that's true, but on balance, teams that recruit well on paper beat those that don't.
Until we make some major changes in our program, the likes of CJ will be few and far between.