Depressed about the faster game.

Nov 19, 2003
The second half went so fast. How many posessions did we have in the second half, 4? What happened to all of the time? ND only led 3 scoring or potential scoring drives.

I wait 8 months to see college football and go to games. Now they are shortening them, significantly. I saw a stat on Gameday that the new clock practices are shortening games by up to 20 plays. That's 5 of our normal drives (slight jab).

I feel very depressed that college football has made a change that is so impactful. If these changes were in effect 2 yrs ago, we would never have won that game against Clemson in Death Valley. One of the best games I've been to.

Forgive me if I feel that our offense would have been more patient in the second half if nothing had changed. Also, maybe we wouldn't have punted the ball on our last posession if we knew that time would slip off the clock like Rain-X.

Does anyone else out there sympathize? I thought it was a glaring difference.
What made the second half seem to go by so fast is that ND was successful at running the ball. Thus, the chains keep moving, the clock keeps moving and before you know it the game is over.

That being said, and I have not gone back to look at the total snaps for the game, the game went well over three hours didn't it? I know kickoff was a little after 8pm, but I seem to remember the game ending around the 11:20 -11:30 range. I know I didn't get to bed until after 1am. :sleep:
Lay em down & smackem Jackets said:
The second half went so fast. How many posessions did we have in the second half, 4? What happened to all of the time? ND only led 3 scoring or potential scoring drives.

I wait 8 months to see college football and go to games. Now they are shortening them, significantly. I saw a stat on Gameday that the new clock practices are shortening games by up to 20 plays. That's 5 of our normal drives (slight jab).

I feel very depressed that college football has made a change that is so impactful. If these changes were in effect 2 yrs ago, we would never have won that game against Clemson in Death Valley. One of the best games I've been to.

Forgive me if I feel that our offense would have been more patient in the second half if nothing had changed. Also, maybe we wouldn't have punted the ball on our last posession if we knew that time would slip off the clock like Rain-X.

Does anyone else out there sympathize? I thought it was a glaring difference.

We better get used to faster games with these new clock rules that absolutely suck a$$ imo. Hopefully when the season is examined in this coming offseason, the jackass rules committee will realize that their sh*t rule is having too much of an impact.
The first quarter lasted 1:06.

Nothing about the game seemed fast after that.
I am all for shortening the length of time it takes to play a game, but why shorten the game itself??????
Very stoopid.

The NFL got it right by shortening halftime. Most Hivers wouldn't agree, but it is a football game and not a band contest.
Of course what has gotten ridiculously loooooong are the commercial breaks.

Shorten halftime and cut out two commercial breaks (charge more per spot) and bingo. Leave the Game alone.
The commerical break after every change of possession is dumb, at best. I'd rather have a two minute warning than the commerical break after a punt.

Of course, with the new rules, non-broadcast games (like Samford this weekend) will be even faster...
the longer the players play the more chance of injury especially when fatigue sets in

w/ the traditional lack of depth that we have this is a good thing for us.

19pts this year will mean MUCH more than 19 pts last year.