Did anybody see this yet???

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I just read his resume.

Think about how much the taxpayers of Georgia coughed up to educate this guy and then read his resume again.

Sad doesn't even come close.
At first this was amusing , and then it suddenly dawned on me that our beloved GIT is within the same university system as uga.
Its an absolute outrage that this goes on.
I have absolutely nothing against Leonard Pope over this. Its not his fault that uga will pay his way as long as he is "eligible"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That may be the biggest thing for me. We get hit with probation for playing guys that took wrong college courses. uga gets praise for L Pope having a 3.81 GPA in his major(?).
Not only does uga get away with keeping borderline illiterate guys eligible, they flaunt it.
I got my degree from the same place as this guy, geez? We all sit around and wonder why Uga kicks our butt every year. I wonder why, they recruit the best athletes with no regard for their academic achievement or advancement. You think for a second a guy like Pope even if he was set on coming to Tech could ever pass Calculus??????
Calculus could be a possible problem there, given the fact the may not be able to read a road map well enough to get all of the way to Atlanta.
Yeah, saw it on the Hive. All I can say is WOW!

Makes you think that the playing field is so unlevel (not because of us but becasue of UGAg's cheating) that anytime we get within 10 points of them we have really won...
Let me add another point or two. First, it's one thing to cheat but a 3.81???? Absolutely scary!!! There is clearly no depths to which UGA will not stoop to win on the field. They clearly don't follow the intent of the NCAA rules but sneak around them in order to avoid getting caught.

Second, even with these cards stacked against us, we will whip the snot out of them Saturday! That just makes our victory all the more satisfying!
I got my degree from the same place as this guy, geez? ...You think for a second a guy like Pope even if he was set on coming to Tech could ever pass Calculus??????

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'Crazy4tech', I too am a UGA grad and I echo your sentiments. I saw this posted a while back and actually thought it was a joke. I now see that it is not.

It's makes a person wonder if the issues that brought on the Jan Kemp controvery of the mid-80's (when I was on campus) have really ever been corrected.

I majored in Statistics, which required several courses in Calculus, Linear Algebra and of course, Statistics. I doubt that many of the UGA recruits would wind up having to take the course load that I had to endure (during my years in Athens I don't recall one football player in any of my Calculus classes), and it's pretty evident by something like this that a lot of them probably don't even get near the grad studies building, where a lot of the math classes are.
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