Did we ever get the reason Al Pena left?



Did we ever get the reason Al Pena left? If it was posted, I missed it.
If it was posted, I never saw it. I am curious about that one myself.

Father Time
Wasn't Al Pena recruited by BOB? And wasn't Pena quoted in the AJC as being very surprised that BOB left; what was it less than two weeks after signing day?
Was basically overwhelmed by being at Tech, far away from home, etc. Trouble adjusting to include academics. He was strugglin' all the way around.

Personally, I don't think he saw much of a future. Also, I think he left shortly after Ball & Carter showed up for voluntary workouts IIRC.
Wish him the best. Sorry we won't be able to see what he can do at TECH but he may have a better time of it in Stillwater. Good luck, Al.
If it were his first time away from home, he may have been struck with a terminal case of "Homesickness". Even with the credentials that he came in with, he may be better off at home, at least for a time. I think BOB was his key for coming to GT so I'm sure he felt left out in leftfield.
I heard he had a real tough time in school. Remember that was when they were at the mercy of Braine's great academic plan.