Dockett Story - What he did......

WOW.. That's about all I can think of to say about DD. I guess that's why they've been labeled The Criminoles.

Adam you are indeed correct people especially young adults in the public eye should think but they use their emotions and not their brains.
Yea i made my point think before you leap because if you don't you might want to give yourself a swift kick in the rear end.
Adam, you are young enough to learn from seeing the mistakes of others posted on the board.

If you plant corn seed in the ground, it will grow corn. If you plant okra seed, you will grow okra.

It is the same with people. If you always try to do the right things, your life will reap good things. These folks that do some of the bad things, it always comes back to them in the end and hurts them.

You seem like a very good kid. Always stay that way, even if some of the other kids try to get you to do something that is wrong. Tell them no, because you don't won't it to come back and give you trouble later. Don't believe them if they tell you "no one will ever know" or "it won't hurt you".

Hang in there Adamm, "I believe you will grow up to be one fine adult". Who knows, we might be reading about you playing some sport at Tech one day.

Unbelievably stupid. Can you say "Bowden's soft on crime"? These perps must love playing for ole Uncle Bobber. Programs with huge amounts of talent can win with little or no discipline but I think it's starting to show thru at F$U. Bobber's just getting too soft. It's almost over.
But hey! Why should I care?