Does anybody think we would have won that game with O'Leary coaching?


Nov 25, 2001
Does anybody think we would have won that game with O\'Leary coaching?

this is not a DIG at O'Leary. I will be forever greatful for O'leary doing a fantastic job rebuilding our team. But I just want to know if ANYONE thinks we would have won the game w/ O'leary.
Re: Does anybody think we would have won that game with O\'Leary coaching?

An emphatic "NO".

Re: Does anybody think we would have won that game with O\'Leary coaching?

no... I dont think we would have either... and I agree.. this response is not meant to be a slap at O'Leary.... he did a great job with the program... and I hope his best is ahead of him... but, sometimes a change is needed... I think we just saw what a breath of fresh air will do...
Re: Does anybody think we would have won that game with O\'Leary coaching?

NO. O'Leary would have kept us on the smashmouth path, especially inside the Stanford 20. O'Brien's play-calling was as unpredictable as I've seen all year...and that's partially because for the first time, he had full reign over the offense.
O'Leary's signature is smashmouth football. And that's why we featured Joe Burns so much this year, even though he's not the kind of person you can build an offense around. Don't get me wrong. JFB did a great job and he has a future in the NFL, but we used him too much this year even when the opponent was stacked in close to stop him.
Without O'Leary our players AND OUR COACHES loosened up a little and did their job without the feeling of Big Bee standing over their shoulder.
After all that's happened, I'm glad that O'Leary has moved on. With him, we were a competitive program. Without him, we have a chance to be a championship program.
Re: Does anybody think we would have won that game with O\'Leary coaching?

I also don"t feel that GT would have won yesterday with O'leary. Too many times in the past 2 years he coached not to lose rather than to win. I concur he gave a foundation to the program but GT needs a coach to take it to next level. I realize this is trite comment but I am unable to come up with another analogy.

Re: Does anybody think we would have won that game with O\'Leary coaching?

What bugboy said.
Re: Does anybody think we would have won that game with O\'Leary coaching?

i posed that question on the hive and it was interpreted to be an attack on george, it was not it was my opinion. we were destined for mediocrity had we kept george oleary and he would have won only 5,6 or on a great season maybe 7games. without the fridge, GO could not get it done. i think the hire of chan gailey is a great hire he has impressive bio, one thing to consider just about all successful college programs today have the pro influence. we are in for some great saturday afternoons at grant field with coach gailey.
Re: Does anybody think we would have won that game with O\'Leary coaching?

No, we would not have. #1 - the guys would not have been so happy, #2 - coaches would be uptight, #3-restricted play-calling, etc. etc.

I have a feeling that GO could not have gotten us over the hump as long as he was in charge. He rebuilt this program back to respectability and left a great situation for next coach! After B***L****, he was just perfect to come to the rescue and he wanted to. But, things have a way of working out for the best! I am sad for Mac whom I have the highest affection and respect for and just hope many schools come calling for him!!