Double Dead Horse Awards?


I don't know
Oct 29, 2002
Yes indeedy, BOG for his bait post of Lewis VS. Gailey!

And in a supporting roll, AHSO for taking the bait and running with it!
Congrats to both of you for beating a dead horse!
Maybe later, you know when I have completely run it into the ground, stomped it into dust, repeated the same things over and over, rephrased the same old story until I can no longer stand it other words when I become worthy of a Dead Horse Award!
TJ, only one problem, how can a horse be dead when it is still alive and kicking?

Hey JacketGuy, I am talking about the new horse.

This was a Gailey vs Lewis question asked by BDG. I'm riding the new horse unless it throws me.

Ahso.. here is hoping that we both get a smooth ride out of this horse we are on...
Let's see now, we have run out of comparisons to GOL so now we will start comparing to BL, a "Sharp dresser, handsome, college pedigree" What does that have to do with coaching or the upcomoing season? This dead horse will be in Mickey Ds in the morning.
Originally posted by DaveTech:
Let's see now, we have run out of comparisons to GOL so now we will start comparing to BL, a "Sharp dresser, handsome, college pedigree" What does that have to do with coaching or the upcomoing season? This dead horse will be in Mickey Ds in the morning.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Actually, I think I ate some of that dead horse at mickey d's yesterday.. and was up for most of the night last night because of it...
But Ahso... in my opinion, the horse died when GOL bolted and Gailey was hired.. we were on a new horse at that time..