Duck Notre Fame


May 3, 2004
Over the past two weeks I've talked to at least three Tech grads/students who have explained to me they will be pulling for Notre Dame over GT because they are Catholic. This freakin' tees me off.

Pulling for Notre Lame over your alma mater because you are catholic is like:

1. Marrying your sister because you are supposed to love your siblings.
2. Pulling for Syracuse, Duke, Emory, SMU, Southern Cal, Northwestern, Vandy (once upon a time), etc because you are Methodist.
3. Pulling for Boston College, or any other catholic school because you are Catholic.
4. Pulling for U[sic]GA simply because you are an illiterate redneck.
5. Pulling for Bama because you like strippers and cheating.
6. Pulling for Tennessee because their colors match your work uniform but not the warden's.
7. Pulling for Carolina because you suck and have "baby blue eyes" or your fraternity colors are delicate shades of lavender and pink.
8. Cheering for Puke b/c everyone else does it.
9. Pulling for Maryland and their fat coach because you are obese.
10. Cheering for Clemson because you have been mediocre 95% of your life except the 5% when you cheated on your taxes.

I will be polite as always to visiting fans in about 200 days. But if I see a Tech person cheering for the Fighting "Irish" I will turn into a Fighting "American" and harass you to no end after we whoop the south benders 222-0.
I'd really love to see this game develope into a good rivalry. Would be good for us to play them every few years, good exposure nationwide (cause you either love them, or hate the bastards), and beating the fish eaters is always good for ranking/respect levels, even if they're in a slump.

Don't get me wrong, I respect them, and South Bend is hallowed football ground, they've won and for the most part they've won honest. They're part of the "old guard" like us. Its always great for a couple of storied programs to meet, and from the match up record, we've got a lot of ground to make up (dont look guys, its uglier than a cheap whore in a port town).

That said, I hope we send them back to do penance under that "touchdown Jesus" abomination for a long time to come.
Well, I'm Catholic and I hate ND, so don't lump us all together. I agree though, any Tech grad who will pull for ND deserves whatever "punishment" they receive.
Notre Dame over GT for religious reasons? Holy mackerel!

This Baptist gets livid when that awful Demon Deacon band plays hymns at Groves stadium - I want the Jackets to kick their ass!

I even hated Baylor when we played them several years ago. Somebody needs to get their priorities straight.
I even hated Baylor when we played them several years ago.

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You can also hate them because they're the only team I've seen without an American Flag on their helmets.
Just another example of the low % of dedicated fans in the student body, both present and former.

These non fans are the Tech nerds that are made fun of. I'd be willing to betcha a quarter that those people you talked to have no idea when the game is.
Actually, no pocketwatch, one would sincerely hope and by logic alone believe you were right, but all that I talked to were heavily involved on campus and two were members of ANAK (ironic no?)and the other a good friend of both RP and I. I've found some people just don't get college athletics and what it means to the institute.
the friend will be taken censured appropriately, even if I have to drink him under the table before the game and make sure he only heres the victory whistle from the bathroom /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif, and he if he gets too mouthy, I'll make sure that some mackerals head his way.

People don't understand loyalty these days, always looking for a slightly better option. Dance with the one that brought you, or get the hell off the floor.