Duke AD's son almost kills his dad b/c of BOOS....


Nov 25, 2001
Duke AD\'s son almost kills his dad b/c of BOOS....


Sgt. Tim Sasser of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission said J.D. Alleva refused to give officers a breath or blood sample, but that three officers noticed the smell of alcohol on him several hours after the wreck.

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Refusal to give a blood sample OR breath test should be punished more severely IMO. It is the biggest scam going. If you are operating ANY motorized vehicle a refusal should be a 24 mnths ban on your drivers license IMO.

How drunk you think this kid was to refuse? I am guessing >.15.

Was his AD father the one advising this kid not to take a breath test? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif

I guess he is raising another Kennedy. That is a GREAT VALUE lesson he is teaching his boy. The ethics classes at DOOK must be a HOOT. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif

When Dook is starting to look like F$U things sure are becoming /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/werd.gif

Re: Duke AD\'s son almost kills his dad b/c of BOOS....

I know absolutely nothing about the dook AD, but my first reaction when I heard the story was that Sr. was probably as loaded as Jr.
Having only owned (actually financing it for 47 years)one boat in my life starting 6 years ago, we don't have a lot of experience to draw on. Our boat,"Rivals" (wife went to uga) is a nice little 24' runabout that is dry docked in a marina on Lanier. In that we don't even own a trailer, our time is spent on this Buckhead bar of a lake.

I don't drink while on the water out of fear. Fear from falling overboard, and fear of having a head on collision with another boat.
While out there, I assume that everyone not operating a bass boat is hammered. So far, so good.
Re: Duke AD\'s son almost kills his dad b/c of BOOS....

I don't get how he could swim that far if he was that drunk, or how he could still be that drunk after swimming that long. Not saying he wasn't drinking, but some of this doesn't make sense to me. You mean to tell me that after swimming 3/4 of a mile you would still smell alcohol?
Re: Duke AD\'s son almost kills his dad b/c of BOOS....

No implied consent law for operators of water craft in NC? See, for example, Section 50-21-114, SC Code 1976 for a specific water craft operator implied consent statute, which imposes a 180 day suspension upon refusal. I would be very surprised if NC didn't have a similar statue. I agree that the refusal penalties in such statues are not harsh enough, though the refusal suspension period in the SC statute is the same as the suspension period for conviction for impaired operation, first offense. Operating impaired resulting in great bodily injury in SC is a felony and carries a fine of $5,000 to $10,000, and a mandatory sentence of 30 days to 15 years. Interesting.
Re: Duke AD\'s son almost kills his dad b/c of BOOS....

the MAIN POINT of this is the REFUSAL! Can someone drink too much and drive ABSOLUTELY and people take responsibility for their MISTAKES.

Just b/c you get a DUI does not make you a Kennedy. But when you start refusing to cooperate w/ the cops after AN ACCIDENT W/ INJURIES you are on your way to becoming a Kennedy.

For his father to be associated with a refusal is a disgrace. Dook needs to take a LONG HARD LOOK at the ethics of its programs.

They got hookers coming to parties, 43 players "lawyering up" at the drop of the hat, and now the AD and his son are boozing it up then refusing to give breath tests!

My father instilled in me values that when you are "caught" you stand up and say I screwed up and I am sorry.

You keep trying to dodge responsibilities then you will be a sorry individual or WORSE you kids will be sorry individuals.

I have had MANY clients who did something VERY stupid but b/c they told the TRUTH on the front end they kept themselves out of prison.

But I hold the ATHLETIC DIRECTOR OF DUKE AND HIS FAMILY to a higher standard than the average criminal.

This refusal is disgraceful IMO
Re: Duke AD\'s son almost kills his dad b/c of BOOS....

according to this which is 2003 so maybe out of date...


Every state now has a defined blood alcohol concentration specific to recreational boating. Only seven states (California, Connecticut, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Washington State, Wisconsin, and Wyoming) do not have an implied consent provision, and we are committed to working with those states.

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I don't know if the law has been changed or not. I gave it a quick search after your post and I cannot find anything on it.
I think the Lacrosse \"scandal\"

is a bunch of crap.

AND, if you think strippers aren't showing up all across college campuses to parties strewn with athletes, you're nuts.

Are these guys a bunch of dookie snobs?? Probably. But I seriously doubt they are guilty of what they have been accused of by an accuser who's credibilty is shaky at best.

Just my opinion....
Re: Duke AD\'s son almost kills his dad b/c of BOOS


Was his AD father the one advising this kid not to take a breath test?

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Just a wag, but I'm guessing Momma figured in here somers. Dadda and Junior are prolly still cleaning the crap off their boots. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
Re: I think the Lacrosse \"scandal\"

is a bunch of crap.

AND, if you think strippers aren't showing up all across college campuses to parties strewn with athletes, you're nuts.

Are these guys a bunch of dookie snobs?? Probably. But I seriously doubt they are guilty of what they have been accused of by an accuser who's credibilty is shaky at best.

Just my opinion....

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Just more proof that its never a good idea to have a stripper at a private party like that, even if everything is above board you're asking for trouble. I don't really see the point in strippers (well, I SEE the point /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif), better to just get a private room at a strip club with a bouncer and such so that you don't get a accused of things like this.
Re: I think the Lacrosse \"scandal\"

Just more proof that its never a good idea to have a stripper at a private party like that, even if everything is above board you're asking for trouble.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh sure! I guess you have no compassion for the "girls" of the Clermont Lounge. I would think half their income is a result of HELLp Week at Tech. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
Re: I think the Lacrosse \"scandal\"

Well, it's never a good idea to bring a stipper/(in this case probably hooker) to YOUR HOUSE. That just can't end well in this day and age. Go to a strip club all you want, but don't bring her home.
Re: I think the Lacrosse \"scandal\"

Just makes me wonder why the "entertainers" back then didn't concoct a similar story and then try to sue everyone in sight.

Were the girls dumber then?
Were the boys better behaved?

Or, would the legal system not put up with this bullshat?
Re: I think the Lacrosse \"scandal\"

based on the ADMISSABLE case this appears to be a decent case for the prosecution.

You got the ER Doc and Nurse saying evidence of vaginal trauma.....that is HUGE and probably the reason this case is going forward. MANY RAPE CASES do not have that evidence b/c some WOMEN'S GROUPS/COUNSELORS state you should not struggle during a rape.

The defense lawyers have attempted to attack this evidence but I think they have failed. Whatever the reports state will come in hard and the doc and nurse will back it up.

Rape shield laws PROBABLY WILL keep out most of the stuff you are reading about in the press.

IMO, except for the girl being a HOOKER the evidence in this case may be pretty strong. The defense is ONLY giving you the stuff that helps their case and P may be just sitting tight waiting for trial.

The D's are doing the OJ defense. Hiring lawyers and then trying the case in the media. In OJ, Rush Limbaugh, and Kennedy #1 (Florida rape) it worked.

It failed in Tyson, Kennedy kid #2 (Skekel), recently Mayor Cambell of ATL.

I would NOT want to have to pick a jury in Durham, NC with the D's and the V of this case.

I still think there will be some type of "payoff" and the case mysteriously disappears.
Re: I think the Lacrosse \"scandal\"

That is very scary stuff LB.

If I hear you correctly, are you saying that it would have been possible for her to have set this up before the party, and because of certain rape laws that evidence (if any) may not be allowed in court?

If so, another example of how some newer laws put in place to protect victims have actually become weapons.

Yes...I know. I have already formed an opinion and would be a horrible juror.
Re: I think the Lacrosse \"scandal\"

it is VERY scary stuff. Is IT POSSIBLE to set someone up ABSOLUTELY.

On my way to church right now but I will continue later w/ some examples of the way evidence can play out.
Re: I think the Lacrosse \"scandal\"

How much have you read about the case lawbee? It appears that the prosecutor was very liberal in how he presented the findings at the hospital and of the rape kit. There was evidence of vaginal trauma, but there is also evidence that she had sex earlier in the day and the day before IIRC. The nurse's statement never says that there is evidence of rape, as suggested by the prosecutor, only states several physical facts.

There is also quite a bit of evidence that has been released proving that the timeline is very troublesome for the prosecutor. Add the various stories the girl told about what did or didn't happen, the conflicting statements of the other girl and it makes it pretty difficult to belief Nifong has much hope of a conviction unless there is a bombshell somewhere that no one has stumbled across.

In fact, some of the more recent defense motions would suggest that Nifong made statements early on that are simply not in accordance with the statements from the hospital. In fact, he supposedly quoted the medical report before there was one.
Re: I think the Lacrosse \"scandal\"

a few issues here.

If your daughter was raped but had a boyfriend or married it is possible she had sex right before being raped. Defense lawyers (which I am one of) have long attempted to bring in the "vaginal tearing" came from her boyfriend/husband's rough sex

Because of this and other past sexual conduct dilemma's STATES introduced rape shield laws to protect the V. It is possible that V may have had sex w/ 30 guys 10mins b/f being raped by D's but this evidence may not come in b/c of rape shield. Of course the defense will try to PIERCE the rape shield.

2. you do understand that all the negative stuff about the V is coming from the defense lawyers. This was just like Johnny Cochran saying that Nicole had a dope habit and was killed by Colombians. Maybe Nicole was killed by Colombians.

3. In my YEARS of doing this I have drawn some conclusions. Most cops are honest and TRY to arrest the RIGHT GUY who HAS committed a CRIME. MOST DA/ADA's ARE ALSO honest and try to CONVICT just guilty people whom they HONESTLY BELIEVE have broken the law.

I have to ask myself that if the V was a DOOK student and the alleged perps were from NC Central if you would be casting the same doubts on the V's credibility.

The Hospital NOTES are taken DURING and immediately after the examination. The DA in this type of case would call the examining Doctor and have them read him the notes. In a high profile case this would not be unusual. The DA probably didn't even find out about this case until ~9am then next morning. If ANYONE was called during the night it would have probably been the "duty" ADA. The point it the notes were already written hours b/f DA gained knowledge of this case. In fact these NOTES are probably FORCING the DA to continue with the case. He probably wished the doc and nurse would have written something else.

The DA has stated "He believes" the girl was raped and stated that AFTER SEEING all the evidence.

I will ask you a question I ask my clients when they deny evidence.

Why would the DA prosecute an Innocent person?

Why would the police plant evidence against these D's?

Dook has ENORMOUS power in Durham, NC, and the US. Win or lose this DA's political career is probably over. I encounter those Dook lawyers EVERYDAY and they will run this guy down for the rest of his career.

If anything this guy would have had every reason to say "I don't believe her" and dismiss the charges.

I don't know what your college experience was like but I do not think it is so INCREDIBLE that some of these guys could get drunk then feel like they can FORCE a hooker/escort to have sex.

It appears U of Colorado also had some rape problems recently.

We will have to wait and see WHAT EVIDENCE is introduced at trial. B/C the girl was an "escort" I think the D's have a decent chance of beating the case at trial, but then Skekel, Tyson, and Mayor Cambell thought the same thing.

I NEVER dreamed they could take Mayor Cambell (Dook law grad) down and he had one of the finest legal teams possible.
Re: I think the Lacrosse \"scandal\"

I understand your points, but they also lead me to question how closely you have followed this. The early notes and files of the police that have been released thus far point to quite a bit of doubt on their part as to whether a rape occured. The DA in this case was appointed to finish someone else's term and was widely believed to be trailing badly in the run up to the primary. Given Durham's political scene, having strong support from the black community is a sure fire way to win the Dem primary.

I agree that none of us know what actually happened or how this will play out in trial. But from what I have seen I seriously doubt a rape occured. I believe there was some squabble over money, she realized she was likely to be arrested again when she was too drunk to get out of the other dancer's car, and she conconcted a story to get herself out of trouble. I personally doubt this will make it to trial if the accuser is important to the case as I don't believe she will ever enter a courtroom.

But time will tell.
Re: I think the Lacrosse \"scandal\"

I can show you articles where the media has been 100% wrong about some of my cases.

The media has an agenda and the defense lawyers can use that agenda BUT SOMETIMES it backfires.

It will be VERY difficult for the defense to have a credible argument for a change of VENUE b/c THEY have been talking to the media.

On appeal that will be a strong argument for ineffective assistance of counsel.
Thanks for the input, Lawbee -

It is interesting to see both sides of this.

I still think, as ncjacket as indicated, that a rape did NOT occur, but rather a stripper session "gone bad". Meaning insults hurled - probably some racial ones - and it went on from there.

I fully admit to not knowing "all the facts". If this woman was raped, I don't care what her background is, whoever did it deserves jail time.

Based on what I've read and heard, I just don't think it happened. Way too many inconsistencies with what has been brought forward. I think she feels she's in it too far to turn back.

Again, just my opion.

OH, and I'm rather shocked you find it hard to believe Campbell got nailed. Having been born, raised, and still living in the A-T-L, I can tell you without a doubt that dude was as crooked as they come. I don't know if the king of "I'll get you off" lawyers - Johnny Cochran - could have saved him. I'm still laughing at the letter from his mommy trying to explain that SHE gave him all this money.
