Duke tailgate


Nov 19, 2007
We will be on the 5th street bridge, starting 8am.

Ceiling cat aka ski buzz will pay his bet to me.*

I will also have some fine Cyprus spirit** for tasting, and I am not talking about what your mom had last night.

Also 7am Waffle House if you are so inclined.

*No piss involved, but you never know.
** 80 proof Cyprus brandy.
I'll see you at some point. Gonna try to set up quick and take the family down to Yellow Jacket Alley.
Hope y'all having fun I'm down in Jax for big game! Hope we put the mutts in their place and Jackets show Duke what's up!
Was good to see you ladies. Apparently there were not any GT homecoming shirts for sale this year for the public. Dammit.
Thank you all for showing upto the tailgate. Great turnout this time which was pleasantly surprising. My theory of not posting the tailgate thread actually worked. :lol2: Also thank you for bringing liquor and beer to share with us and helping me pack up the tailgate when we were done.
Special thank you to @DressCheeseSideSeaboard for buying me a THWG scarf from the ramblin wreck club. @coit your boyfriend likes me more now.