Eason Fromayan leaving for NASCAR

I literally just had a guy from NASCAR come to my school this week and tell my students that they like to hire former college athletes for pit crew because they are athletic but mainly because they are used to performing under pressure.
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So is he gonna drive a race car or is he going to work for like their marketing department?
Is a NASCAR pit crew member really a job?


Nascar Pit Crew Members List
Pit Crew (Expected) Per RaceSalaries
Crew Cheif $5,000
Chief Mechanic $3,500
Spotter $2,500
Jack Man $1,500
Fueler $1,000
Front Tire Changer $800
Front Tire Carrier $800
Rear Tire Changer $800
Rear Tire Carrier $800
Pit Crew Coach $10,000 – $25,000

These Salaries become double when the team participate and wins the tournament or cup . Fueler , Cheif Mechanic and Tyre changers have a tough job to finish . The Crew Members get extra if the team perform’s well in the race from the Sponsors . In-case of Injury they got free treatment . Only a fit person can become the crew member of Nascar.
oh shoot they got a raise in 2016:


Nascar Pit Crew Members Money Distribution 2016
Winning Bonus
Crew Chief
$10,000 - 25,000 $2000
Crew Chief $6,000 $1,000
Spotter $2,000 $500
Jackman $2,000 $500
Fueler $2,000 $450
Front Tire Changer $1,500 $200
Front Tire Carrier $1,500 $200
Rear Tire Changer $1,500 $200
Rear Tire Carrier $1,500 $200
Utility Man $800 $100

Winning Bonus :
Race winning bonus only awarded to crew if the Nascar team has won the race , other wise no bonus will be provided . Pit Crew received the winning bonus from the top events like "All Star Racing , Daytona 500 , and more races like this" .
what is it 36 races? that's 72K a year. not too bad. Especially since that's before bonuses and such.
In addition to their pit crew salaries they are also paid as full time employees and have duties in the shop during the week.