ESPN2 says Houston may play as early as Saturday!


Dec 8, 2001
Rece Davis said he got that straigt from the ballcoach. Why not redshirt him and use him next year after Dennis Davis is gone?
Re: ESPN2 says Houston may play as early as Saturd


Have they confirmed that Houston would be eligible for a redshirt?
Re: ESPN2 says Houston may play as early as Saturd

Don't know anything about that yet. If he's not then we should obviously play him. If he's eligible though, we should redshirt him IMO.
Re: ESPN2 says Houston may play as early as Saturd

Agreed, redshirt him for this year and let all this mess work itself out in the courts. If he's cleared of all the charges then he'll be able to help us next year without a cloud over him.

In the meantime, keep him in school and keep him progressing towards his degree.
Re: ESPN2 says Houston may play as early as Saturd

Midatlanta, is this a fact and you have seen this somewhere, does the NCAA not allow redshirts for cases like this, or what?

certainly eligible for a RS as per NCAA law, a player has 5 yrs to play 4. Houston may not want a RS as he may prefer to move on with his life &/or pro career. The coaches may not want to apply to the NCAA for a RS as Gailey & staff may prefer to move on with the program w/o Houston.
The player has to want a RS & the HC/staff has to want a RS. What good would it do if the player wanted a RS, but the staff would only let him play his RS Sr yr on the Scout Team???
Rece Davis said he got that straigt from the ballcoach. Why not redshirt him and use him next year after Dennis Davis is gone?

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Houston has already been redshirted. This is his final year and he will not get a hardship by the NCAA more than likely.
You mean there's no, "Got caught with a whole damn hundred pounds of pot," hardship redshirt exception? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif

On a serious note - legally - I don't know how they could deny him. If he was not allowed to play - based on a charge that was dropped - i.e. 'legally' unfair, didn't exist, couldn't be proven, or didn't happen at all 'legally' speaking - then I don't know how the NCAA could keep him from getting his chance to play a fourth year - which would be next year.

Before any angry responses - I'm not talking about how things should be, but likely how things legally (likely) are.

I'd love to see Reuben come back, for his impact he could have for us and for himself, but that's beside the point.

In the work world, you can't be fired for something that can't be documented or proven. The NCAA does some weird things, but if the guy has been found not guilty - regardless of the actual wording, then it should legally e the fault of someone besides him, meaning, it should not be held against him.

I'll be interested to hear LawBee's response, which could negate anything I've said so far.
How come nobody is talking about what kind of impact it will have on his ability after not playing all season? I know I read that he had still been working out and such, but I would think that missing this many games might have other issues, like not knowing plays, making the wrong reads, etc. Any thoughts?