annal retentives go beserck. I'm not taking about taking in dead beats and cut throats. If we are going to prove Dave Braine is a lunatic, then we have got to give our football coaches a chance. We need to expand our curriculm so athletes that are not rocket scientist, but ARE college material, can attend Tech. Look at Godsey, all those brains and he is helping O'Leary get coach of the year consideration. Face it guys, I bet many of those ineligible players on O'Leary's teams could get a college degree, maybe not nuclear engineering but a degree. This would not hurt our schools of engineering one darn bit because the requirements to get in those programs can remain the same. Nothing would give Clough more pleasure than to see us competing in the Ivy League. He is bad for Georgia Tech. Everytime somebody emails him concerned about the football program, he slams them about getting their priorities right. The football program IS IMPORTANT TO GEORGIA TECH. Just look at our history, Heisman, Alexander, Dodd, Ross, O'Leary. It is important to the institutions morale and pride and he just does not get that. It is foreign to the man. Face it, he does not give a rats hindend about the football program, he just isn't stupid enough to say it to the media. Friends, we need to change at Georgia Tech or get left behind. Keep the dang engineering programs the toughest in the country but have some majors that good but not great students can study. Get rid of Clough and find a President that hates losing at checkers. As for Braine, that is a no brainer. Thank Gailey but unfortunately his timing was bad. HIRE STEVE SPURRIER!!! OFFER HIM WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!
South Georgia Jacket
South Georgia Jacket