Excellent interview w/ Coach Gailey

You guys know I'm a fan of chan, but in typical fashion - he said absolutely nothing in all those answers put together. I like that, though. The opponents can find out the truth when we play.
He's said very little in 5+ years of interviews. They're all mostly coaching clichés.
I agree Knox. Gailey dodges around an interview like Sugar Ray Leonard. And yes while I really don't give a crap what he says as long as he finishes strong and beats UGA, I have to say that since he has yet to do that, he needs to at least recognize and admit that we've been less than average in closing the season. Of course that CAN'T be coaching can it?
I like Gailey, but he's as good at interviews as George Bush. Both are great men, but turn into babbling children when a microphone is placed in front of them. Not everyone can be a great orator. I certainly am not.
You guys know I'm a fan of chan, but in typical fashion - he said absolutely nothing in all those answers put together. I like that, though. The opponents can find out the truth when we play.
Completely agree - It was like reading quotes from a redneck Yogi Berra.
I'm glad he said nothing. If he gave the GT fans any actual information, like he did in his first year or two, they'd pick it apart and use it as fuel to burn him at the stake when something happened that wasn't 110% in line with whatever he said.
I've heard Gailey speak at alumni functions twice and have also heard many interviews on tv and radio. The difference is night and day. Most alumni functions have no media present and Gailey was alot more open and in depth about the team.
I'm glad he said nothing. If he gave the GT fans any actual information, like he did in his first year or two, they'd pick it apart and use it as fuel to burn him at the stake when something happened that wasn't 110% in line with whatever he said.

Actually, Chan said now that we have a drop back QB, we are going to switch to running the wishbone. Notre Dame better spend their fall practice preparing for that.
Like I said - I think it's just smart football. I have no problem with it whatsoever.

And whoever said he's a different guy when no media are around is telling thr truth. If you get him one on one or in a small crowd with no media, you'll see and hear a guy with a great personality and pretty open and honest as well.
I've talked to Chan several times and he tells it like it is when nobody's got a pen and pad out.

The guy worked in Dallas - you think he trusts the media? Talkin's for losers - Just win, baybee.

And let's not overlook the fact that this and last year's recruiting classes obviously like(d) what he has to say.