Fan of the option/wishbone or west coast/run and shoot style?


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Oct 30, 2002
If you were Tech's OC, which style would you want us to run - a run or pass-oriented offense?
This is a complex question, because of defenses.

A good run and shoot scores quickly and gets off the field. The result is a lot of on-field time for your D. Unless you're playing against Bill Curry, the other team's offense will probably wear you down.

Consequently, and particularly since I'm an OF, I'd rather see game strategy based on defense and ball control.

Of course, if JoeHam or MVick or Swawn Jones or Tony turns up, then all bets are off.
Something similar to the veer with a radical passing attack would be my insane approach. That's as close as I can come to a "Ralph" offense. Run the veer AND pass the damn ball! How novel. Defenses from coast to coast would love it! Bust 'em, bust 'em, on the ground and then throw the ball. Make the defense work! A vanilla offense is just stupid. Even if you have superior resources you've got to mess with the D. Put them on their heels. Run it up their gut and run the odd pct. play that totally screws with them. Line up in the bone (ala Fridge) and throw it over the middle. It's called psychology.
Use it or lose it.
Originally posted by gnats 67:
Something similar to the veer with a radical passing attack would be my insane approach. That's as close as I can come to a "Ralph" offense. Run the veer AND pass the damn ball! How novel. Defenses from coast to coast would love it! Bust 'em, bust 'em, on the ground and then throw the ball. Make the defense work! A vanilla offense is just stupid. Even if you have superior resources you've got to mess with the D. Put them on their heels. Run it up their gut and run the odd pct. play that totally screws with them. Line up in the bone (ala Fridge) and throw it over the middle. It's called psychology.
Use it or lose it.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">My thoughts exactly. I loved our flexbone plays back in '99. IIRC, there was always one, and sometimes two receivers lined up as wingbacks. We could send one wing in motion and hand it to the tailback for a draw up the middle. Or we could fake it to the back and pitch it to the wingman. Or let 'em all release downfield for a long pass play. Always keeping the D on their toes. About the only formations the Fridge didn't use was the T and single wing.
Used to love when we ran the wishbone. That's designed for a more pounding offense, which I also prefer. Don't know how practical it is nowdays though. I agree the problem with a passing style offense is your "D" spends too much time on the field. Three quick passes and a punt will wear us out on an 85 degree September Saturday.
It all depends on two things. You must play to your offensive strengths and to the weakness of the defense of the other team.

The smart coach will set up his offense according to the skills of his offensive players. Even though, the best offense is a balanced one, you still have to play to your strengths.

Just as Friegden studied a lot of film to find the holes in the defenses he played against, the offensive coach must be smart and exploit the defenses weaknesses.

Father Time
A wing-T ground attack with the deep ball to keep the db's honest, blended with a short passing offensive set to mix it up.

Line up smack'em in the mouth and run it down their throats!!!
Football with a mean streak,if you knock him on his butt don't help him up make him use his own energy to get up
...oops rambling,what was the question again
Just for the fun of watching, I used to love watching Green Bay run the ball. Nothing fancy, nothing clever, nothing hidden. Jam it down their throat and beat them on better execution.