Favor to ask the stingtalk posters...


Varsity Lurker
Jul 11, 2002
Dear Stingtalk and GT fanatics,

As most of you guys that have read any of my post know I am in law school in Mississippi. I was planning on driving to Atlanta for the spring game, but I have a huge brief due on Tuesday and my prof. threw a wrench into my paper by changing what she wanted on Thurs. So instead of watching my beloved Jackets bump heads, I am going to be writing and researching all weekend. Thanks, Prof. Kuns. I appriciate it. I didn't want to go anyway.

Now that I am done complaining I would be greatly appriciative of a report from the spring game. I would be even more thankful if I could get an indepth report on Bilbo's day. As portrayed in most of my previous posts I am a big Bilbo fan (played against Bilbo's HS almumuater Moss Point). Any other additional info. would be great too. Thank you guys very much. I have enjoyed this board a great deal. I hope ya'll have fun at Bobby Dodd stadium.