Fighting the NCAA



I don't know a whole lot about what brought all of this hooey down from the NCAA. However I do believe in the Institute, always have and always will. I don't like seeing some one being stepped on by a bully, and I can't stand rude behavior. Having said that, I will state this fact that you get what you accept. In this case I would go after the UNTOUCHABLES in the NCAA in the courts. I would make them prove their case and I would bury them if they couldn't. I think that there is a lot of "Legislating from the Bench" here and it is not applied evenly throughout the land.

My Opinion, and I'm stickin' to it.
I totally agree. I am surprised we have not heard something about the appeal. Are we even going to make one? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/puke.gif
We had better appeal. Whether we win it or not to just give in and take this sentence is....I can't even think of a word that's bad enough.

To me, if we don't appeal, Braine and Clough are tacitly admitting it wasn't mistakes and we deserve what we got. If that's the case, some people better be fired.