Football Coach Dies

I just saw this myself Rome. I can only speculate what this is related to, but all of us who do criticize coaches, myself included, need to look at how much stress these coaches are under, juggling a family with preparation and recruiting most of the year.

A lot of times fans gripes about coaching and sometimes it's justifed, and I don't know a thing about Coach Brown at TTU, but these coaches lifestyles are tough, very different from the average person. Look at Chan, and his heart attack. Coaches' diets certainly aren't healthy in many cases, but that comes with the job I guess.

I feel for the Tezas Tech family today as well as that of David Brown. Judging by the ESPN article he was a real bright spot in that program.
Years ago when I lived in Austin Texas he lived across the street from me. Seemed like a nice guy. Never met his wife except in passing as she seemed reclusive. Maybe she didn't like to hear about football all the time. Thats what he and I talked about most of the time. May he rest in peace.